University of Twente Student Theses


Campus engagement : an explorative approach on behavioral implications using non-western frameworks

Massunda, Blondina Leopolda (2021) Campus engagement : an explorative approach on behavioral implications using non-western frameworks.

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Abstract:Aim: The aim of this study sought to address intentions for campus engagement at a Dutch university amongst young students by using alternative frameworks. In this context, the study investigated campus activism through the African Ubuntu philosophy, East-Asian Confucianism ideology, and the Western developed Theory of Planned behavior. The paper studied intentions for behavior by comparing answers given by young students for their activities/ activism. A fundamental issue of behavioural science is the reliance on Western-dominated samples, leading to a false generalization of the results. Within the framework of these criteria, this paper presented a new approach to understanding intentions through behavior derived from different cultural backgrounds. Methods: A qualitative research method including semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus groups was carried out. 27 students have participated in the Focus group and 5 interviews amongst professionals from each background were performed. Results: The findings of the focus group showed that intentions for behavior across all groups could be explained by 4 themes. Dominant Social value, Culture shock, Past Experience/ Collectivism, and Future implications. It became apparent that these themes either had positive or negative influences on students' intentions for activism. These resulted in refusing to participate or amplified the need to participate. The in-depth interviews showed that the frameworks at hand can be rooted in their respective profession and clearly explain intentions for behavior. Conclusions: The analysis of the results proved that being confronted by the new culture, norms and ideologies forced students to reflect on themselves. Ubuntu and Confucian ideologies both were challenged to deepen their identity or explore new personal characteristics through the level of engagement. The Western framework Theory of Planned behavior only partially predicted behavior instead parts of Ubuntu were found in the behavior of Western students. All three focus groups agreed on deepening their relationship with their surroundings aiming to form the best versions of themselves.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Science BSc (56615)
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