University of Twente Student Theses


Human impedance regulation in haptic control using electromyography combined with the posture of the human arm to increase transparency within telemanipulation control

Braakman, H.G.D. (2021) Human impedance regulation in haptic control using electromyography combined with the posture of the human arm to increase transparency within telemanipulation control.

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Abstract:Within telerobotics, the goal is to execute tasks remotely with a robotic system. A human operator should control the robotic system at the remote site. To execute the tasks as effectively as possible the operator should be provided with visual and force feedback. In an ideal situation, perfect transparency will be achieved. To achieve this ideal situation research is done regarding tele-impedance control,which should allow the operator to change the impedance of the robot armat the remote site. Currently, this is done by normalizing surface EMG signals from a single muscle co-contraction pair in the forearmand using those to linear scale the endpoint stiffness between a lower and upper limit. However, this does not contain any information about the actual endpoint stiffness of the human arm. To make the robot arm feel more like a natural extension of the human arm, it should also mimic the endpoint impedance of the human arm. This research is focused on that principle. A controller is developed, which is able to calculate the human armendpoint stiffness by measuring surface EMG signals from the human armand determining the posture of the arm. This data is obtained using twoMyo armbands, one around the armand the other around the forearm. The resulting endpoint stiffness is different in x, y and z¡direction. To compare the two controllers a user study is done. From the user study results, it followed that the newly designed controller shows promising results regarding comfort, prediction, precision, and consistency. However, the results are still very divergent, mainly caused by the orientation of the human arm and the muscle calibration phase. This an issue that could be improved and lead to more consistency in the tele-impedance control method.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:50 technical science in general
Programme:Electrical Engineering MSc (60353)
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