University of Twente Student Theses


State Self-compassion and Subjective Well-being: An Experience Sampling Study

Hanebaum, Nik (2021) State Self-compassion and Subjective Well-being: An Experience Sampling Study.

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Abstract:Through the emergence of positive psychology, self-compassion has become a central research topic showing a link to a plethora of mental health benefits with several studies examining both self-compassion and subjective well-being. However, literature has yet failed to address the association between these constructs based on daily fluctuations and momentary states. The present study utilized ecological momentary assessment to explore the association between self-compassion and subjective well-being in daily life. Participants (n = 32) reported their momentary experience of self-compassion and subjective well-being four times a day for one week and filled out corresponding trait questionnaires. State self-compassion and state subjective well-being showed considerable fluctuations over the course of one week and were associated positively at the within-person level. Results are discussed in the framework of the broaden and build theory and indicate an uplifting effect of self-compassion and subjective well-being, meaning that both constructs seem to co-evolve at the within-person level with reciprocal building effects rather than complimentary effects. Considering the lack of complimentary effects and thus opposing movements at the within-person level in times of despair in our study, more research targeting buffering mechanism of self-compassion at the within-person level is necessary. Moreover, our findings yield additional support that self-compassion inducing interventions may be beneficial in increasing momentary levels of subjective well-being.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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