University of Twente Student Theses


The Indeterminate Self and Large Language Models : A Nietzschean Critique of GPT-3

Fischer, Simon (2022) The Indeterminate Self and Large Language Models : A Nietzschean Critique of GPT-3.

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Abstract:Nietzsche's will to power ontology conceives of the self as having no pre-established essence. Instead, the self is a priori undefined and its development remains unfinished and unknown. The self is thus inherently indeterminate and always in a state of becoming. In this, it is formed through interaction. Becoming is not an autonomous process, however, as the self is always constrained to some degree by the social context in which it is embedded. Accordingly, I will address the question of how the interaction with synthetic texts generated by GPT-3 debilitates self-formation.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:02 science and culture in general, 08 philosophy
Programme:Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society MSc (60024)
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