University of Twente Student Theses


Acceptability, feasibility and usability of a mobile health intervention (IVY) to enhance implicit vitality among breast cancer patients : a mixed-methods study

Groote Schaarsberg, S.H.M. (2022) Acceptability, feasibility and usability of a mobile health intervention (IVY) to enhance implicit vitality among breast cancer patients : a mixed-methods study.

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Abstract:Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is the most common side effect of cancer treatment with detrimental effects on quality of life. Until now, CRF is intangible; causes and their interrelationships are not well understood. These factors impede successful treatment. Growing evidence indicates that CRF is partly driven by distortions in perception. These cognitive biases develop unconsciously and should also be treated at this level. The mobile health application IVY tries to modify biases among breast cancer patients from fatigue to vitality by means of Cognitive Bias Modification. This study aimed to evaluate the user’s perspective on the acceptability, feasibility and usability of IVY and understand their level of engagement. A mixed-method approach of interviews and questionnaires was used to triangulate findings. The perceptions of the users revealed a mixed but mainly positive evaluation. Usability and feasibility of the intervention complied with demands. Evaluation of acceptability showed ambiguity: perceptions were biased by a lack of understanding of the purpose of the app and the combination of a lack of subjective fatigue before use and the absence of a positive change in vitality after use of IVY. The current study suggests that IVY is feasible and usable from a user’s perspective. To raise acceptability and engagement, personalization in both design and implementation is recommended.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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