University of Twente Student Theses


Analysing Public Transit Accessibility as a Distance Constrained p-Median Problem. Case Study : Bus Rapid Transit, Pune, India

Zulkarnaen, Diki (2010) Analysing Public Transit Accessibility as a Distance Constrained p-Median Problem. Case Study : Bus Rapid Transit, Pune, India.

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Abstract:Spatial accessibility is an important and critical consideration in the provision of public services. In public transit planning, accessibility consists of access to transit services and geographic coverage of the same services. Access planning is important because it is the process associated with getting to and departing from the transit service. Such access is recognized in spatial terms as the physical proximity to transit stops or stations. Additional stops along a route usually mean greater access, because a stop is more likely to be within an acceptable walking/driving standard for a larger number of people. On the other hand, more stops and thus greater access will slow transit travel speeds because of service interruption, consequently decreasing the area of service reachable given a travel time budget. The faster the travel time, the more desirable the service. Moreover, if travel times become excessive, then user demand for a service will decrease. The main objective of this research is to analyze bus transit route accessibility by means of applying the Distance Constrained p-Median Problem (DCPMP) algorithm. This algorithm is used to minimize average access to a stop while simultaneously seeking to improve travel speeds along the route by eliminating redundant stops. With the purpose of improving the travel speeds, the number of bus stops in a route would be reduced without affecting the access to the coverage of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The optimization model presented in this research has been applied to study accessibility in the provision of transit service in context of Pune Municipal Corporation in India. For urban areas striving to promote increased utilization of public transit, the ability to evaluate and improve transit accessibility is much needed. Application results associated with the analysis of a transit route demonstrated the potential performance benefits that could be achieved through the use of the developed modelling approach. From the results it can be concluded that there are some bus stops that can be reduced on the various BRT routes. By applying the DCPMP model, the number of bus stops in the various routes have been optimized. This means reducing the least optimal bus stops, which at the same time enhances travel speed. The DCPMP model is applied for examining and planning for transit accessibility in the context of Pune Metropolitan Corporation Area in India. In order to provide better public transit services, the local government and the transit operator should consider to implement the reduction of some least optimal bus stops in the various (proposed) BRT routes. It is recommended to develop a more accurate measurement for estimating the potential ridership for transit services and also for evaluating the effect of using different population estimation measures on the performance of DCPMP, furthermore to conduct a household survey in order to attain more accurate population and behavioural data, as well as to perform the same analysis using different models, which for example take into account the travel direction or pairs of stops on a route or which propose to analyse for both access and accessibility in public transit services and also to maximize additional service access by proposing newly sited bus stops. Key Words : DCPMP, BRT, Optimization, Access, Accessibility, Coverage
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
Programme:Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014)
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