University of Twente Student Theses


Ease of retrieval, judgmental confidence and information seeking behavior : how accurate are people at estimating their knowledge on tropical diseases?

Schubert, V. (2022) Ease of retrieval, judgmental confidence and information seeking behavior : how accurate are people at estimating their knowledge on tropical diseases?

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Abstract:This research paper investigated to what extent ease of retrieval, the level of health education, and judgmental confidence influenced individuals’ information seeking behavior in the context of tropical disease prevention. It was hypothesized that the aforementioned variables engage in a moderated mediation, with the level of health education as the moderator and judgmental confidence as the mediator. It was expected that high levels of health education weaken the relationship between ease of retrieval and judgmental confidence. Furthermore, it was expected that easy retrieval of information leads to an overall higher judgmental confidence which subsequently, leads to less information-seeking. To test the hypothesis, 142 participants were divided into two groups and completed a recall task that differed in its difficulty. Results yielded that no moderated mediation could be found. Although ease of retrieval significantly influenced individuals’ judgmental confidence, participants’ level of judgmental confidence did not impact their information seeking behavior. However, a moderation effect was found, where the level of health education strengthened the relationship between ease of retrieval and judgmental confidence. Future researchers should take into account the effect the task difficulty can have on judgmental confidence and choose a topic that is more relevant to the target group.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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