University of Twente Student Theses


Comparison of digital twins in different application domains

Solak, - O.E. - (2022) Comparison of digital twins in different application domains.

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Abstract:Digital Twin is a concept of growing interest due to the advancement in Industry 4.0. It is a relatively new concept and publications on this concept of Digital Twins have increased radically in recent years Hu, W., Zhang, T., Deng, X., Liu, Z., & Tan, J. (2021)[6]. We write this report to better understand and contribute to the concept even more. Digital Twin applications have been built in different domains but in this paper we focused on the applications that have been implemented in Smart City and Manufacturing domains. We chose these domains because we wanted the domains to be as different as possible for better comparison. We will compare each digital twin by using a set of criteria namely hierarchical, dynamic, computability, multiplicity, usage, enablers, technology used, model data and compare the similarities and differences of the applications.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Programme:Computer Science BSc (56964)
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