University of Twente Student Theses
Analysis of land fragmentation in P.R. China: Case study in Taizhou City of Zhejiang province
You, Li (2010) Analysis of land fragmentation in P.R. China: Case study in Taizhou City of Zhejiang province.
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Abstract: | Since 1980s, land fragmentation is increasingly taking place within the P.R. China. It has affected the agriculture production particularly in managing agriculture production unit (household), the use of production method and hence production efficiency. This research focuses on aspects of causes and factors affecting land fragmentation in China. Its main objective is to help policy makers to gain insights into policies contributing to the problem and to decide which measures are appropriate for reducing it. This research contains critical theoretical studies on land fragmentation about the definition of land fragmentation, different kinds of land fragmentation and the effects of land fragmentation from both positive and negative aspects. The literature review section and case study focus on the various studies which examine land fragmentation in Central and Eastern Europe countries. The field work was chosen in three agriculture villages in Taizhou City in Zhejiang province which are located in southeast of China. The findings of this research study reflect that the causes of land fragmentation in China contain both internal facts and direct causes. The farmland is scarce resource in China as compare to the number of land users. The agriculture production efficiency in most part of China is low and the traditional production culture is based on the production unit of household. These are the two main internal facts of land fragmentation in China. Then the main direct causes of land fragmentation in China are the introduction of Households Responsibility contract System (HRS), land distribution, land reallocation and political forced land consolidation. HRS distributes land contract right to the farmers according to the equality principle based on the household size. It causes serious problem of land fragmentation. Land law and policy related to the incomplete land property right with a short land use right duration affect Land tenure security; and also not well established Rural Land market affects land contract right transfer. Innovation for reducing land fragmentation can be carried out from both policy and technology sides. In the aspect of policy, this research finds that land contract right transfer is a suitable way to improve HRS. Secondly the main bodies of large scale production units like: Professional production household, Stock co-operation production unit, Commercial agriculture production enterprises require reliable access to fragmented land parcels from household in order to realize large scale production and a better rural land market. In the aspect of technology, we need improvement of LIS that includes the integration of urban and rural cadastral system (including spatial and non-spatial data) and management of fragmented parcels. Key words: Land fragmentation, Household contract responsibility system (HRS), Land tenure security, Land contract right, LIS. |
Item Type: | Essay (Master) |
Faculty: | ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation |
Programme: | Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014) |
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