University of Twente Student Theses


Pricing Cadastral Products under Different Cost Recovery Regimes

Sanga, Samwel Alananga (2010) Pricing Cadastral Products under Different Cost Recovery Regimes.

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Abstract:The relationship between cost recovery in the provision of cadastral products and pricing options as practiced by cadastral organisations is yet to be studied intensively. This research examines the implications of imposing different cost recovery regimes on pricing options for cadastral products. It identifies different products and organisational attributes defining the interrelationship between cost recovery regimes and pricing options and factors shaping the two in relation to the provision of cadastral products. It is presumed that the relationship is influenced by factors internal as well as external to the cadastral organisation. The approach is qualitative, where documentary research, was used to define four variables i.e. ‘cost recovery regimes’ ‘pricing options’, ‘organisational models’ and cadastral products’, and establish a theoretical relationship between them. Primary and secondary data were collected based on these variables using key informant e-surveys from 35 cadastral organisations across the globe. Patterns and strengths of relationships between variables were analysed using SPSS software. Comparative critical methodologies were augmented with interpretative research methods in data analysis and interpretation. The results revealed that, there was a significant association between ‘pricing options’ and cost recovery regimes which mean that cadastral organisations operating under different cost recovery regimes are likely to implement different pricing options. These differences can be explained by the legal requirements that are associated with the imposition of cost recovery regimes, which were implicit in the organisational model. ‘Cadastral products’ was related to ‘pricing options’ but not to ‘cost recovery regimes’. The central position of ‘cadastral organisational model’ was traced through its relationship with internal and external factors considered in pricing cadastral products. By altering the ‘cadastral organisational model’, governments are able to influence prices for ‘cadastral products’, ‘cost recovery regimes’, pricing options and the ultimate revenue discharge mechanism. Therefore, the impositions of costrecovery regimes necessitated the adoption of different prices through the organisational models rather than through ‘cadastral products’, which means, there was no internalisation of the attributes associated with ‘cost recovery regimes’. Failure to link ‘cost recovery regimes’ and ‘cadastral products’ makes operating under cost-recovery regimes a major challenge for cadastral organisations. Keywords: Cadastral products, pricing options for cadastral products, cost recovery regimes and cadastral organisational model
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
Programme:Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014)
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