University of Twente Student Theses


Incremental capacity analysis on module level li-ion batteries for echelon utilization

Jong, C.S. de (2022) Incremental capacity analysis on module level li-ion batteries for echelon utilization.

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Abstract:Degradation of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is a complex process which expresses itself as capacity and power fade. Sophisticated analysis techniques are required to provide insight into the internal battery chemistry and its state of health (SOH). Incremental capacity analysis (ICA) is a battery analysis method which can provide this insight and determine the SOH. This paper deals with incremental capacity (IC) curves analyzing LIB modules with two different chemistries. The influence of each individual cell on the IC curve of the module and also the influence of the discharge current on IC curves have been considered. The evolution of IC curves as the battery cell/module gets aged is investigated. Finally, a comparison between several modules is given based on their ICA.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:53 electrotechnology
Programme:Electrical Engineering BSc (56953)
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