University of Twente Student Theses


Investigating differences of Forward segmentation vs. Whole task practice in a 15-keypress task for Motor Sequence Learning

Bender, Florian (2022) Investigating differences of Forward segmentation vs. Whole task practice in a 15-keypress task for Motor Sequence Learning.

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Abstract:The following study investigated the differences of practice conditions between forward segmentation and whole task practice for motor sequence learning. Contrary to previous studies, a relatively long sequence of 15 keys was tested. Previous findings and literature could not highlight differences in shorter sequences for keypress tasks with forward segmentation or whole task practice. Based on the Cognitive framework of Sequential Motor Behaviour (C-SMB) and further literature, it was expected that forward segmentation would be more effective as a practice condition compared to whole task practice. Due to limits of the motor buffer and corresponding ability to form motor representations, it was expected that forward segmentation would assist the formation and motor representations to be more easily retrieved and remembered. Participants (n=24) where divided among two different experimental groups, namely forward segmentation practice and whole task practice, and were tested on a 15-keypress sequence with the discrete sequence production (DSP) task after three practice blocks and a second time after one week. No significant difference for reaction times or errors was found in the testing or practice phases between both practice conditions.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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