University of Twente Student Theses


Visualize the carbon footprint of MSG

Turkstra, Daniëlle (2022) Visualize the carbon footprint of MSG.

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Abstract:This thesis is conducted at MSG Enschede. MSG is a logistic, parcel and postal delivery company headquartered in Enschede. They have the goal to be CO2 neutral in 2025. Currently, they have no insight into their carbon footprint and the reduction effects of specific actions to become CO2 neutral. The goal is to create insight into the current situation, the existing carbon footprint, and the most optimal options to reduce it. This will be visualized in a dashboard.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
MSG, Enschede, Netherlands
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:43 environmental science
Programme:Industrial Engineering and Management BSc (56994)
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