University of Twente Student Theses


The COVID-19 crisis and European integration : a single case-study on individual member state behaviour towards vaccine procurement

Karssing, Anne-Fleur (2022) The COVID-19 crisis and European integration : a single case-study on individual member state behaviour towards vaccine procurement.

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Abstract:This thesis examines the implications of the COVID-19 crisis, and especially the vaccine procurement process, on the process of European integration. The intergovernmental strand of European integration theory is used to explain individual member state behaviour within the European framework during the crisis. A single case-study of the Netherlands is conducted to observe its two phases of the COVID-19 vaccine procurement process in the light of the joint European vaccine procurement strategy, and to discern its vaccine procurement strategy per phase. It is found that the joint EU strategy developed due to the individualistic efforts of four individual member states, which included the Netherlands. The intergovernmental vaccine procurement initiative formed by the four member states is found to function as the foundation of the supranational joint European vaccine procurement strategy set out by the Commission. It is found that the Netherlands pursued an individualistic vaccine procurement strategy in the first phase of its vaccine procurement process, because multiple individualistic efforts are discernible that can be explained by the Dutch connections to the pharmaceutical industry and its incited welfare and security interests. After the joint EU strategy was set out, The Netherlands pursued a compliant strategy in the second phase of its strategy, because it was beneficial for its incited welfare and security interests. Based on the findings in this work it is concluded that the COVID- 19 crisis led to further European integration. Both the intergovernmentalistic and supranationalistic efforts led to a European initiative that made the EU and its member states work together at the European level to tackle crisis and to secure vaccines at the European level. MASTER’S THESIS – DRAFT
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:89 political science
Programme:European Studies MSc (69303)
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