University of Twente Student Theses


Assessing residential segregation profiles for ethnic groups in Enschede, The Netherlands

Desriani, Rian Wulan (2011) Assessing residential segregation profiles for ethnic groups in Enschede, The Netherlands.

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Abstract:Most of residential segregation studies have shown that each city and each ethnic group experience different pattern of segregation. As the Netherland is now concerned about residential segregation, it is needful to understand the process of residential segregation by profiling it. In this study, such profiling of residential segregation is argued can reveal variability of segregation patterns for each ethnic group. Using the 2009 population data of Enschede per postcode, this study investigated the spatial distribution and characteristics of residential segregation and changes on residential segregation for four ethnic groups: Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese/Antilles and Indonesian. Residential segregation was measured incorporating neighbouring or surrounding postcodes at different scales of neighbourhood. The “scale of the neighbourhood” represents the extent of concentration influenced by population in neighbouring or surrounding postcodes. Residential characteristics at ethnic concentration areas were compared to residential characteristics at entire city. Using data of 1997 and 2009, changes on ethnic concentration areas were done to complement the residential segregation profile. The result showed that variability of residential segregation exists for each ethnic group. Each ethnic group has different distribution pattern across the city. However, there are only few areas with concentration of certain ethnic group (below 15% of entire city). Most ethnic concentration areas are located at southern part of the city. Those postcode areas are part of a large concentration (up to 800 meters scale of neighbourhood). The results show that concentration areas are sensitive to housing mobility (e.g. because of urban renewal) and population growth (e.g. new born and new immigrants). Other result showed that even though ethnic members concentrated at certain location but not eventually they lived at areas which differ in term of housing and socioeconomic characteristics than the rest of city. In general, this study suggests that spatial proximity to neighbouring postcodes has a large impact on variability of residential segregation. From this empirical study, it can be concluded that ethnic distribution, ethnic concentration and changes of residential segregation in Enschede differ for each ethnic group. Keywords: residential segregation, ethnic concentration, different scale, residential characteristic
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
Programme:Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014)
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