University of Twente Student Theses


Sequencing and launching of trucks with varying lengths on a paced moving mixed-model assembly line

Visser, J. (2022) Sequencing and launching of trucks with varying lengths on a paced moving mixed-model assembly line.

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Abstract:This research is performed at Scania Production Zwolle (SPZ), which assembles trucks on a constant paced, moving assembly line, with a fixed takt time per work station. However, the truck lengths vary, thus the occupation time of a work station differs per truck. Therefore, we formulate the research question: 'How can we maximize the output of a fixed speed assembly line with products with varying lengths?' In the current situation, a truck that is longer than the length of a work station causes output loss, because its following truck is launched later on the line, which cannot be compensated anymore. SPZ also uses light sensors that discretely measure and therefore overestimate the length of long trucks, which results in more output loss. The planning department currently includes the lengths of the trucks only implicitly by planning a maximum of one long truck in every three trucks, but it does not consider the time a truck occupies a work station because of its length. We develop a discrete measuring location model, two launching strategies and three genetic algorithm approaches. We show that the current production can be improved by 3.2%, if the trucks are measured continuously and the trucks are launched with a variable rate.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Scania Production Zwolle, Zwolle, Nederland
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:31 mathematics, 85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Industrial Engineering and Management MSc (60029)
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