University of Twente Student Theses


How can organizations encourage healthy actions and behaviors post-COVID? The exploring role of message valence and health authority on promoting behavior change and mental health awareness.

Wongsokario, Chayenne G.T. (2022) How can organizations encourage healthy actions and behaviors post-COVID? The exploring role of message valence and health authority on promoting behavior change and mental health awareness.

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Abstract:Purpose - The present study aims to investigate the influence of message valence and health authority in health promotional messages on message persuasiveness, message credibility, organization credibility, and call to action. It was hypothesized that communicating health risk messages by an occupational doctor would result in higher responses in encouragement to perform healthy actions and behaviors. The use of message valence and health authority in this study is intended to investigate whether organizations can encourage employees to stay healthy and vital. Method - The research used a two (message valence; health risk versus health benefits) by two (health authority; low/moderate versus high) in between-subject experimental study, which resulted in four different message stimuli. For this research, a CEO was labeled as a low/moderate health authority and an occupational doctor as a figure of high health authority. The stimuli were exposed to 242 participants through the online platform Qualtrics. All variables were measured using 7-point Likert scales. Results - Based on the evidence, this research clarifies the benefits when using health risks to acquire the desired outcome. Discussion - The present research explored the supporting arguments about message valence and health authority for organizations’ health promotion purposes. Some of the findings are not consistent with prior research, which resulted in little or no main and interaction effects between message valence and health authority on the dependent variables. It is suggested for organizations to use health risks in messages to receive beneficial outcomes.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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