University of Twente Student Theses


Transition to a sustainable society : Influence of Enjoyment and manipulated Ease of Retrieval on Vegetarian Self-Identity and Behavioural Intention

Bünnemann, Lorenz (2023) Transition to a sustainable society : Influence of Enjoyment and manipulated Ease of Retrieval on Vegetarian Self-Identity and Behavioural Intention.

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Abstract:Climate change is a global phenomenon that threatens the future of earth’s inhabitants. Many types of individual behaviour can have their effects on climate change, with food choice being one of them. But what are contributing factors to carrying out pro-environmental behaviour? Prior research suggests that self-identity may play a part in influencing pro-environmental behaviour (Gatersleben, 2014). Based on previous experiments such as one by Schwarz et al. (1991) this study uses the ease of retrieval manipulation of ‘Few versus Many’ in order to influence a person’s vegetarian self-identity. Furthermore, a correlational effect between vegetarian self-Identity and behavioural Intention to carry out pro-environmental behaviour is investigated. Lastly, a potential moderation effect of enjoyment is looked at. An online experiment was issued to gather information from a relatively homogenous sample. The participants had to go through an attempted ease of retrieval manipulation after which they were tasked to answer questions concerning difficulty of the task, vegetarian self-identity, enjoyment, and behavioural intention. The attempted manipulation of ease of retrieval has proven unsuccessful in this study. Despite that, results of a regression have shown a significant correlation between ease of retrieval and vegetarian self-identity. Furthermore, a significant correlation between vegetarian self-identity and behavioural intention was found. Lastly, a moderation effect of enjoyment on the correlation effect of vegetarian self-identity and behavioural intention was found. This has shown that enjoyment is moderating the effect of vegetarian self-identity on behavioural intention as the positive effect of vegetarian self-identity on behavioural intention has shown to be stronger when enjoyment is lower than when enjoyment is higher. Apart from the not working manipulation, the results are corresponding with previous findings. Ease of retrieval and vegetarian self-identity as well as vegetarian self-identity and behavioural intention are shown to be significantly correlated with ‘Enjoyment’ being a new variable that has been considered among the already established variables of self-identity and behavioural intention in the context of pro-environmental behaviour.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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