University of Twente Student Theses


The identification of antecedents of employee satisfaction experienced by members of the self-managing neighbourhood care teams of Buurtzorg; a mixed methods study.

Pleijzier, N. (2023) The identification of antecedents of employee satisfaction experienced by members of the self-managing neighbourhood care teams of Buurtzorg; a mixed methods study.

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Abstract:There is a rising demand for healthcare, but there is also an employee shortage. It is therefore important to reduce turnover and keep employees attached to the organisation. In order to so, organisations should focus on employee satisfaction. In this study, a literature review is performed, followed by interviews. Since the literature is mainly focused on hierarchical organisations, interviews have been conducted to determine whether the same antecedents are important for employees in self-managing teams. In addition, an univariate analysis is performed to determine which of the identified antecedents significantly affect employee satisfaction and what the weight/size/direction of those effects is. Resulting from the analysis, the following antecedents have been identified as the main affecters of employee satisfaction: availability of resources, getting opportunities, feeling of appreciation, receiving compliments, supporting the goals of Buurtzorg, and performing meaningful work. These antecedents have a significant, stimulating effect on employee satisfaction. However, the antecedent availability of resources has a significant, decreasing effect on employee satisfaction. Meaning that the more resources are available, the lower the employee satisfaction will be. By identifying these antecedents and their effects, recommendations for non-hierarchical organisations can be written, providing them with handles to keep their employees satisfied.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Business Administration MSc (60644)
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