University of Twente Student Theses


Explorative Network Analysis of Well-being Structure in Dutch Population: Does Gender and Income have an Effect on Well-being Structure?

Hasan, Ortiga (2023) Explorative Network Analysis of Well-being Structure in Dutch Population: Does Gender and Income have an Effect on Well-being Structure?

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Abstract:Well-being has come into stronger focus with the advent of positive psychology. While many theories examine well-being and plenty is already known about it, there is not enough information to provide a comprehensive well-being framework that spans the construct of well-being in its entirety. A psychometric network analysis (NA), allows identifying node strength centrality, including the most central facets/items of well-being and those that are considered to have the strongest influence on the overall network. Performing a NA, this study used data from an internet Dutch panel for longitudinal studies (N = 1662, aged 18 to 87 years mean=47.61, SD=17.74) to assess well-being with the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form questionnaire (MHC-SF). The results of the NA showed node strength centrality for the overall network, for female and male group and for low- and middle income group. Furthermore, the networks of gender groups were compared with each other, and income groups were compared with each other for differences in the network structure of well-being. In all networks, happiness was found to be the most central node. In addition, mastery was discovered as another central node in the networks for the entire sample, the male group and the middle-income group. No differences in the overall well-being structure were discovered within gender groups and within income groups. Hence, specific single differences between individual facets were found in the gender and income groups. The results are consistent with previous studies. Further, the study expands the understanding of well-being structure in the general Dutch population. The results can be used as a basis for further well-being research. Keywords: well-being, network analysis, strength centrality, Dutch population, MHC-SF.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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