University of Twente Student Theses


Catalase-laden oxygen-generating constructs as potential artificial erythrocytes

Mooij, I. (2023) Catalase-laden oxygen-generating constructs as potential artificial erythrocytes.

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Abstract:Blood transfusions are indispensable in clinical practice. The availability of blood is dependent on donors. Strict donor eligibility criteria, blood type matching, low availability of the universal blood type, and the short shelf-life of blood products put a further strain on the blood supply. The blood supply is labile, and therefore, blood substitutes are heavily sought after. These can be engineered in such a way that universality, safety, storage conditions, and scalability can be taken into account. In this work, an erythrocyte substitute based on calcium peroxide (CPO) is developed. CPO generates hydrogen peroxide and oxygen through hydrolytic degradation. CPO is embedded in polycaprolactone (PCL) microparticles, which sustains the release profiles. An antioxidant, catalase, is added to decrease the generation of hydrogen peroxide, lowering the risk of oxidative stress. Erythrocyte-inspired lipid coatings are added to increase the hemocompatibility of the constructs. It was evaluated how catalase can be successfully incorporated in the oxygen-generating PCL microparticles and what its effect is on the hydrogen peroxide and oxygen release kinetics. Two different erythrocyte-inspired lipid coatings have been compared in terms of hemocompatibility. Additionally, it was assessed whether the addition of lipid coatings had adverse effects on the functionality of the catalase.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:42 biology, 44 medicine
Programme:Biomedical Engineering MSc (66226)
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