University of Twente Student Theses


Evaluating a New Virtual Reality Environments` Effectiveness for Suicide Negotiation Training Performance Evaluation

Sauer, Jonah (2024) Evaluating a New Virtual Reality Environments` Effectiveness for Suicide Negotiation Training Performance Evaluation.

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Abstract:Suicide negotiations are important and might save lives, thus must be trained properly. Recent technology (VR) seems promising as a training evaluation tool for improving current methods. A new virtual environment (VE) was tested for effectiveness, specifically for performance evaluation and skill fostering through meaningful experience. The present study tried to illuminate relationships between Immersion, Realism, and types of Presence and variables important to suicide negotiation training and experiential learning. It was measured how immersed participants felt and how realistic they judged the VE to be. Participants received a training about a negotiation model before having to apply gained knowledge in the VE. Subsequently, questionnaires were administered. Correlations and regressions were run and a content analysis was conducted. Results show significant correlations between VR-variables themselves, and Social Presence and Empathy. Scores on the variables did not predict performance or motivation. Qualitative results seem to indicate sufficiency of levels of elicited VR metrics and emotional involvement. There were indications for the VE achieving baseline-effectiveness. Future research should focus on comparing VR´s effectiveness against role-plays and differentiate between aspects of realism. Future VE´s for suicide negotiation training should expand interaction possibilities, focus design on the social aspects of realism and increase difficulty.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:70 social sciences in general, 77 psychology, 81 education, teaching
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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