University of Twente Student Theses


The influence of shear stress on Human Mammary Fibroblast to induce CAF-like characteristics

Mört, Jelle (2024) The influence of shear stress on Human Mammary Fibroblast to induce CAF-like characteristics.

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Abstract:In blood of patients with metastatic breast cancer, Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) have been found in clusters together with Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs). These clusters, which are also found containing other cell types as immune cells and platelets, are called Circulating Tumor Microemboli (CTMs). It is hypothesised that the CAFs play an important role in the metastasic process and the formation of the pre-metastatic niche. Therefore, it is important to study the formation and characteristics of these CAF-containing CTMs. However, these CTMs are extremely rare and difficult to extract and isolate. Therefore, studying patient samples is not viable. In-vivo models can be used to study specific characteristics of CTMs. However, to prepare CAF-containing CTMs, an accurate model of CAFs is also needed. In this study, several protocols described in literature to obtain CAF-like cells from Human Mammary Fibroblasts (HMFs) and the resulting CAFs will be compared.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:30 exact sciences in general, 42 biology, 44 medicine
Programme:Biomedical Technology BSc (56226)
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