University of Twente Student Theses


Queer Minority Stress and Resilience in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment study

Behrens, Jan (2024) Queer Minority Stress and Resilience in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment study.

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Abstract:Background. Sexual and gender minorities report higher rates of adverse mental health and well-being than their cisgender and heterosexual peers. This disparity can be explained as a function of stress experienced due to minority identity membership. Specifically, queer minority stress and resilience processes. The current study investigated the within-person associations of these in everyday life. Methods. Ecological momentary assessment was applied across 14 days, consisting of five daily assessments through brief surveys. The sample (N = 22, Mage= 22.86) was 91% Dutch, 100% sexual minorities, 73% gender minorities, and recruited through local queer associations. Conditional process analysis (CPA) was applied to investigate within-person associations between constructs. Results. Event-based constructs had substantial portions of within-person variability and constructs relating to internally held beliefs were better explained by differences on the between-person level. CPA results affirmed the theoretical framework. Distal stress predicted momentary increases adverse mental health and well-being directly, and through proximal stress. Discussion. The study demonstrates the extent to which minority stress and resilience processes are relevant on an event-level in the daily lives of queer people. Researchers should aim to mitigate minority stress and enhance resilience factors amongst queer people on both interpersonal and intrapersonal levels moving forward.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:70 social sciences in general, 77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
Awards:ARPH Conference 2024 Best Oral Presentation
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