University of Twente Student Theses


Signposting Customer Experiences : Exploring the Influence of Nudging in B2B Engagements

Stokman, B.A. (2024) Signposting Customer Experiences : Exploring the Influence of Nudging in B2B Engagements.

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Abstract:This study explores the role of nudging in shaping intended customer experiences in business settings, using a grounded theory approach within a case study of knowledge-intensive sectors. Interviews were conducted with 12 DustXpert customers, which were analysed through Gioia methodology resulting in an integrative framework detailing the impact of nudging on customer experience. Three themes have emerged that directly influence the customer experience and one theme influences the customer experience indirectly, enhanced by customer trust. Additionally, nudging was found to play a crucial role in service recovery and customer loyalty. This research makes three key contributions to the field of customer experience management. First, it provides novel insights into how B2B customer experiences can be shaped through nudging strategies, focusing on influenceable aspects of the customer journey. Second, it highlights the importance of nudging in managing customer experience, demonstrating that strategic nudging can enhance customer satisfaction and engagement. Third, it shows that nudging can be an effective tool in service recovery, helping to restore customer trust and satisfaction after service failures. The integrative framework developed in this study serves as a practical tool for managers, aiding in the design and implementation of nudge strategies to predictably enhance customer experiences. This study is the first to introduce a framework of nudging's role in shaping customer experience within the B2B customer experience management literature, addressing a gap where previous studies have not offered a perspective on the use of nudging in business settings. This framework can guide future research and practical applications, contributing to a deeper understanding of customer experience dynamics and the strategic use of nudging in B2B contexts.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology, 85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Business Administration MSc (60644)
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