University of Twente Student Theses
Year of Publication: 1976
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Aries Widianto, A. (1976) An experiment with computerized sampling on a tropical rain forest tract in East-Kalimantan Indonesia (Appendix II) (Some examples of programs used).
Atukum, I.B. (1976) Use of aerial photographs in erosion reconnaissance survey and local detailed studies in the Mérida Province, Spain.
Basu, S.K. (1976) Effect of tie-points on accuracy of aerial triangulation block adjustment.
Benessalah, D. (1976) Part 1: Three methods for growth determination from aerial photographs : Part II: Aspect of plot size and standard deviation.
Beseničar, J. (1976) Digital restitution from single photographs for cadastral purposes.
Bhan, S.K. (1976) Geological interpretation of landsat imagery from the Northern Read Sea Hills, Sudan.
Bhan, S.K. (1976) Structural analysis of Olargues - Vieussan Area Montagne Noire, France.
Cho, K.J. (1976) Evaluation of progressive sampling implementing different criteria.
Chuaviroj, S. (1976) Structural analysis of St. Gervais Area, Montagne Noire; France.
Datiri, B.T. (1976) Characteristics and distribution pattern of sand in the Lower Guadiana Valley, Merida Area, Spain.
Djakaria, Roedjai (1976) Diameter distribution of some species in tropical rain forest of Kalimantan Timur : Indonesia.
Fadul, Hassan M. (1976) Physiography and soils of the Atbara - Wadi El Mukabrab Area with special reference to the origin of the soils, The Sudan.
George, Akinola (1976) Analytical interpretation of high frequency electromagnetic prospecting data (V.L.F. system).
Gordon, Osmond L.A. (1976) Structural analysis of the crystalline schists and gneisses south around the Montagne Noire, France.
Haertel, V.F. de A. (1976) Volumetric determinations based on heterogeneous square grids of DTM data.
Kaewponsawan, U. (1976) Study on the mode of occurrence of gold.
Koutbi-Hamza, N.M. Al (1976) Quantitative study of mass movements and general geomorphology in some small areas in the Agri River Basin, Basilicata, Italy.
Mariot, Victorio (1976) Two stage sampling with three sizes of primary units and P.P.S. sampling in the primary stage.
Maruyama, Yuichi B.A. (1976) Hydro-geomorphological study of part of the Agri River Basin, S. Italy: With emphasis of the application of landsat imagery.
Mathu, H.M. (1976) Some aspects of Nairobi housing situation-uses and limitations of aerial photographs : A case study.
Mendez, A. Carreño (1976) Investigation into the application of statoscope data in independent model block adjustment procedures.
Mohammed, Abdul Aziz (1976) Expansion possibilities of the Anger Rural-Agricultural Settlement Scheme (Ethiopia) : A broad survey of regional resources and project performance.
Montoya, J.A. (1976) Comparison of physiographic interpretations of landsat MSS data, radar imagery and aerial photography for an area of the LLanos Orientales, Colombia.
Mwaniki, E.P. (1976) Copper and Zinc distribution in stream sediments in the Migori Gold Belt.
Qixing, Lu (1976) A new method of studying electromagnetic fields in geophysical prospecting.
Satharanond, V. (1976) Bundle-model versus conventional independent model block adjustment.
Seixas, Jose Jorge de (1976) Urban information system for civil engineering : An experiment on data acquisition.
Siddiqui, Iqbal (1976) Independent model block adjustment with additional parameters for height.
Silleos, N.G. (1976) Physiography and soils of Anthemous Valley, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Soliman, F. Hanna (1976) Morphology and genesis of calcium carbonate accumulations in the Lower Guadiana Valley, Merida Area, Spain.
Spiers, Berna (1976) Vegetation survey of semi-natural grazing lands (Dehesas) Near Merida, South-West Spain, as a base for landuse planning.
Sukontapongpow, S. (1976) Geochemical data analysis optimum sampling spacing with reference to the Mae Ping River Area, Tak, Thailand.
Thothong, W. and Ghaffari, A.S. and Tilima, S. (1976) Land use survey of Mérida study area.
Tilimo, Sultan (1976) Procedures in land evaluation of the Anger Valley, Ethiopia.
Vudhichativanich, S. (1976) Geochemical stream sediment survey Sirikit Dam area, Uttaradit, Thailand.
Widianto, A. Aries (1976) An experiment with computerized sampling on a tropical rain forest tract in East-Kalimantan Indonesia.