University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1986

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Number of items: 33.

Aran, Miguel (1986) Evaluation of the irrigation performance in the "Canal D'Urgell" scheme, Lerida Area (Spain).

Asres, Taffesse (1986) Agro-ecological zones for growing coffea arabica in Changwat Of Chiang Mai.

Awuta-Coker, D. (1986) Landuse survey based on thematic mapper multi temporal satellite imageries: Antequera Area - Southern Spain.

Ayele, Abebe (1986) Interpretation of regional gravity data over precambrian shield areas.

Azam, Javed (1986) Slope instability study using aerial photographs in the Agri and Sauro River Basins, Basilicate, Southern Italy: Part II.

Bakheat, Gaafar Abdel Magid (1986) The relation between the geochemistry of stream sediments and related rocks with implications for anomaly recognition and lithological mapping.

Berg, Jacqueline van den (1986) Geographical information systems: Basic tools for managing natural resources.

Bocco, Gerardo (1986) Aspects of the anthropic erosion in Tlalpujahua River Basin, Central Mexico : An applied geomorphological approach.

Cyrus, Edwin Cyrus (1986) Two phase stratified and two stage unequal probability sampling using orthophoto, compared with random and restricted random sampling for timber volume determination.

Flores, Jorge A. Arzate (1986) Geophysical reconnaissance for geohydrological evaluation in the La Paz-El Carrizal Valley, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Gaitan, Javier (1986) On neotectonic evidences in the Southern Peninsular Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Gekpe, Edward Egbe (1986) Paleomagnetism and the application of micro-computers as useful tools in the interpretation of aero-magnetic anomalies and airborne survey as an aid in the exploration for groundwater in the Schist Belt of Nigeria.

Ghebremedhin, Yohannes (1986) Hydrogeological investigation and quantitative relationship between surface water and ground water supplies in Rio Bergantes Basin (Castellon Teruel provinces Spain) (Based on photo-interpretation and field check).

Ghebremedhin, Yohannes (1986) Use of Toth's regional ground water flow model for interpreting hydrogeology of Mile Basin (Ethiopia) (Supplemented by Landsat Imagery Interpretation).

Hadipandoyo, Sasongko (1986) A comparison of several methods of gridding and contouring geophysical anomaly fields as sampled in common types of gravity and magnetic survey operation : including marine gravity and magnetic data from the Makassar Strait, Indonesia.

Koll, Elhag Bakhit Ahmed (1986) Rangeland survey of a transect between Nile and Gash Rivers - Sudan : including a map scale 1:1,000,000.

Kosasih, Syarif (1986) Development of GIS procedures for watershed conservation planning applied to the Upper Komering River Basin, South Sumatra - Indonesia.

Kusuma, A. N. Samodra (1986) A modified method of height determination for irrigation engineering.

Liou, Wen-Shu (1986) Analoque to digital conversion of topographic maps 1:10,000 and updating of the resulting database.

Lokaito, Marc Ekai (1986) Destitution in a Nomadic Pastoral Society : A case study of the Turkana of Northern Kenya.

Lunyasi, S. (1986) Planning without facts? The case of North Shaba Maize Project in Zaire.

Mpotokwane, Masego Ayo (1986) Changes in settlement and landuse in Southeast Kgatleng District, Botswana 1950 to 1982 : A study of the causes, patterns and effects of change in a communal landuse area.

Mulungushi, Shamilimo J. (1986) Agricultural landuse in Mongu South (Zambia).

Njoroge, Gathuru P. (1986) Hydrogeology of the Upper East Catchment of River Ewaso Ngiro (Kenya): A look at the reasons behind the retreating of the "Drying Up Point" of the river : Supplemented by landsat imageries.

Olaofe, B.S.O. (1986) Effect of "Quasi-Model Points" on the accuracy of independent model aerial triangulation.

Paige, Sharon L. (1986) Seismic data interpretation for hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation.

Siswamartana, Sadhardjo (1986) Land evaluation for watershed management : Case study of Brantas Watershed, Konto Sub-Watershed and Upper Konto Watershed Java - Indonesia.

Situmorang, T. (1986) A geomorphological approach to the study of quaternary volcanic stratigraphy and to the assessment of volcanic hazards, using aerospace imagery : with case studies from Java, Indonesia.

Sumaryono, M.S. (1986) The revision of forest management maps : An assessment of various photogrammetric and digital techniques.

Supriyadi, (1986) Evaluation of the Parambahan coal deposit in Ombilin, West Sumatera Indonesia.

Suqin, Lu (1986) Contouring through composite sampling.

Tuladhar, Arbind Man (1986) Upgrading digital terrain models from existing contour lines by photogrammetric selective sampling.

Yoon, G.G. (1986) Geotechnical mapping and site investigations for a dam site near Pont De Suert, Lerida, Spain.

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