University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1989

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Number of items: 45.

Adebanjo, Olutimehin (1989) Farmers first approaches to soil conservation programme: A case study of parts of The Upper Pa Sak River Basin, Phetchaboon Province, Thailand.

Adedoyin, Oye Simon (1989) The value of landsat TM data in two-stage sampling with probability proportional to size.

Benson Okpe, AGI (1989) A design of a geo-information model for topographic data required in hydrologic applications.

Betlem, Jan (1989) The accuracy of the landscape guided vegetation survey.

Chaojun, Wu (1989) Adequate sampling in magnetic survey, the resolution of closely-spaced magnetic sources and their importance to data processing, image-enhancement techniques and interpretation.

Crisologo, Jimmy J. (1989) On the geology and geochemistry of the polymetallic-gypsum-barite mineralization in Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan, Philippines.

Cuenca, Edgar Devia (1989) Collection and processing of data in forest hydrology: Case study Kobernausserwald Forest (Riedelbach catchment) Austria.

Eabadi, A.M. (1989) A study of the Paleogene rocks in the western Zallah trough, SW Sirt basin, Libya, using Landsat TM and aerial photographs as a tool.

El himdy, Abdelilah (1989) Block adjustment with independent models using Global Positioning System data.

El-Azabi, Mounir H.M. (1989) The relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the Tertiary Basin North of Aliaga, Spanish Province of Teruel.

Farrag, Farrag Ali (1989) Metric and semantic aspects in topographic map updating using spot data.

Fasatwi, Al and Ahmed, Yahya (1989) Remote Sensing analysis and data integration for Hydrocarbon exploration, Sirt basin, Libya.

Feibing, Zhan (1989) On a framework to integrate KBS and LIS for urban land taxation.

Gomez, Rufino Perez (1989) A critical analysis of computer generalization methods for countour lines, suitable for medium scale topographic mapping.

Gómez, Jorge Gómez (1989) Analysis of the topographic requirements and map production capabilities for the cadastral automation project in Colombia.

Hadiwiryono, Basuni (1989) An agro-economic suitability assessment for the main rainfed crops in the Upper Komering Catchment Area, South Sumatra as measured by an automated land evaluation procedure.

Inguane, Abilio (1989) The landscape of Schiermonnikoog and Inhace Island: An applied geomorphological comparison study for morphoconservation and land management using aerial photographs and satellite images.

Kecheng, Liu (1989) An outline of an interactive decision support information system: Based on water resource problems in Dianchi catchment, Yunnan Province, China.

Kesumajaya, I. Nyoman Sukmantalya (1989) An introduction to the use of remote sensing techniques in applied geomorphological studies : Interrelation between (Morpho) Erosion and Slope Instability Hazard Zoning, in Indonesia.

Khulaidi, Abdul-Wali Ahmed Al (1989) A comparative vegetation survey of four physiographic regions in the Yemen Arab Replublic (YAR).

Kimaro, D.N. (1989) Potentials and constraints of the Kilosa Area for rainfed agriculture with emphasis on maize.

Kufoniyi, Olajide (1989) Editing of topologically structured data.

Makhkouf, Amel (1989) Multilevel Data Structuring Approach in Topographic databases.

Ogbue, J. Obumkere (1989) Digital techniques in map and geo-information production: Implication to survey and mapping education in Nigeria?

Ouedraogo, Clement (1989) Geostatistical analysis of geochemical soil data from selected zones of the Boromo Greenstone Belt (Burkina Faso): Conclusions and implications for follow-up exploration.

Palmer, Moira (1989) The relationship between landcover landuse, erosion and land degradation : A case study in the Upper Pasak Watershed, Petchabun Province Thailand.

Pambudhi, Fadjar (1989) Construction of volume table for merchantable shorea species in Damai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Perio, Sylvia de (1989) A framework for an information system for agricultural development planning.

Pramono-Hadi, (1989) The hydrological study of the Upper Bengawan Solo Catchment, Indonesia : A contribution to the hydrological modelling, water resources management and development planning.

Purbo, Ardina (1989) Rural credit in Kabupaten Bantul: An assessment of the use of credit for income generating activities by rural households and the role of formal credit institutions.

Shaddad, I.A.I. (1989) Regional structural-geology of Ashat Area, Red Sea Hills, Sudan, N.E. Africa.

Shrotri, B.S. (1989) An efficient algorithm for computation of gravity terrain corrections on PCs using digital elevation models.

Siswanto, Agus Bambang (1989) The economic and technical feasibility of soil conservation in the Upper Komering Watershed (Sumatra) as quantified by an automated procedure.

Sitotaw, Berhanu (1989) The monitoring of the fourth livestock development project in Ethiopia.

Sorcos, Demetre (1989) Geotechnical description of a typical formation of flysch and a review of the behavior of flysch in civil engineering works.

Subandrio, Dwianto Cipto (1989) A comparative study on soil loss using field estimation methods and a transport/detachment limited model in the Upper Komering Watershed, South Sumatra.

Sudarna, Anang (1989) Towards and information system for integrated watershed management: A case study from West Java, Indonesia.

Sukmantalya Kesumajaya, I. Nyoman (1989) Preliminary study for morpho erosion and slope instability hazard mapping in Upper Komering Catchment Area, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia: Aerospace survey oriented to environmental degradation hazard factors in a humid tropical region.

Sutanto, Agus (1989) Rural small-scale industry in Kabupaten Bantul: An assessment of its structure, potential and role in regional economic development.

Thakur, Sudhir V. (1989) Remote sensing data for the study of the drainage pattern and flood hazards as the determinants for an urban development plan of Vadodara, India.

Veiga, Teresa Cristina (1989) Remote sensing techniques and computer assisted methods: A contribution towards planning and monitoring the development of the city: Case study Bento Gonçalves-Rs, Brazil.

Wirjodihardjo, M. Istijatno (1989) Inventory and evaluation of Alang-alang vegetation in the upper Komering catchment, as contribution for comprehensive planning in Indonesia.

Yong Sik, Chung (1989) Evaluation of the DTM data acquisition using low cost scanner.

Ze-Shen, Wang (1989) Construction of a knowledge based system for cartographic symbol design.

de Zuviria, Martin (1989) Land unit survey of the Pescado river area NW Argentina (including maps in scale 1:68.000).

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