University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1992

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Number of items: 90.

Acharya, Babu Ram (1992) Structured development of a multi-purpose cadastre in Nepal with emphasis on the development of a strategy for the definition of user needs.

Adomako, Victoria Serwah (1992) Sustainability as a development goal in rural projects : The experience of selected donor assisted projects in Ghana.

Afifi, Tarek S. (1992) Analysis of low-standard settlements for improvement planning : using airphotos and a geo-information system, Villavicencio, Colombia.

Agbor, B.A. (1992) Some aspects of the emplacement models of the Ronda Peridotite (Sierra Bermeja), Malaga Province, Spain.

Ahmed, Zia Uddin (1992) Spatio-temporal patterns of urban land values : An analytical case study in Villavicencio, Colombia.

Amanu Eshetu, M. (1992) Natural hazard inventory of the Huércal-Overa Basin, Almeria, Spain.

Amin, Mohamad (1992) The need to integrate soil conservation into the farming system, a case study of parts of the Upper Cimandiri Catchment West Java, Indonesia.

Amitai, Yaron (1992) Multitemporal classification and interpretation of spot images for monitoring of subsidised crops in Greece.

Anno, Levina (1992) Land tenure and arable farming in Ghana: A study of a customary and a non customary land tenure system.

Ayenew, Tenalem (1992) Hydrogeological investigation of the Bergantes River Basin (Northeastern Spain): Study supported by aerial photo and satellite imagery interpretations.

Ayugi, Samson W. Okoth (1992) The multi-valued vector map.

Bansal, S.K. (1992) A qualitative and quantitative hydrogeological survey for groundwater development in basaltic terrain: Supported by satellite data and aerial photographs and using the ILWIS and GIS.

Bohórquez, Luis Fernando Contreras (1992) Reliability assessment of rock mass characteristics in GIS applications.

Cardinoza, Marlon M. (1992) The utilization of evaluation results as an organizational learning process: The case of the DENR Foreign-Assisted Forestry Projects in the Philippines.

Ceesay, Mamadi Baba (1992) Feedback from evaluations into project design and implementation: The case of irrigated rice projects in the Gambia.

Chimi, Karam A.M. El (1992) Application of remote sensing techniques to regional geology and tectonics in Wadi El Allaqi Area SW. Eastern Desert of Egypt.

Chitraleka Perera, A.L. Shyamalie (1992) Implementation of the object-oriented database concept in the modelling of spatial data for watershed management.

Cindarto, Cindarto (1992) Research project report on Rock Slope Stability: in Falset, Spain.

Darko, Samuel Larbi (1992) Structured development of a multipurpose cadastre in Ghana with emphasis on land titling process.

David, Galimaka B.A. (1992) The mineral potential of the Kafunzo area, Southwestern Uganda.

Denboba, Tsegaye (1992) The challenges to national mapping agencies in the developing countries in the production and management of map and geoinformation.

Dizon-Bacatio, Clarita R. (1992) A study on mapping unit composition and on map evaluation in the Antequera Area, Malaga, Spain.

Dougall, Desmond L.S. (1992) Possibilities for the disaggregation of population and related socio-economic data for local and regional area planning using G.I.S. techniques and local area knowledge.

Elfaki, Elfadil Mustafa (1992) Geology and structure of Lui-Mahalab Area Southern Red Sea Hills, Sudan N.E. Africa.

Essien, Okokon Udodong (1992) Selection of an optimum structured methodology for the development of topographic database systems.

Fan, Shien-Ta (1992) Uncertainty subsystem : Assessment of model quality.

Fazlur Rahman, A.K.M. (1992) Use of GIS, remote sensing and models for flood studies in Bangladesh: An analytical study in a flood prone polder in Bangladesh.

Giwa-Amu, Omoleomo O. (1992) Hydrology and gully erosion in the Upper Njaba Watershed of Imo State, Nigeria.

Goel, S.P. (1992) Building a national digital database through digitization of 1:250000 maps: An evaluation of alternatives.

Grageda, Engr. James Dexter A. (1992) Optimization of the national topographic base-mapping program in the Philippines.

Hamzah, Arham A. (1992) Structural geology of the external zones of the Betic Cordilleras of the Ronda Area, Malaga Province, Spain.

Harijanto, - (1992) Farming system analysis in local land use planning: A case study in Barek Watershed South Malang District, East Java, Indonesia.

Irungu, Charles N. (1992) A hydrogeological study of the Amboseli Basin (Kenya): Supported by aerial photo and remote sensing interpretation, and a flownet model.

Janssens, Els (1992) Datamodelling to support ecological research: A team-work of GIS and DBMS.

Jembere, Mersha (1992) Follow-up geochemical base and rare metal exploration, Ababa area, Ethiopia.

Joseph, A.D. (1992) Evaluation and integration of data for groundwater exploration in hard rocks: Supported by aerial photo & digital image interpretation, GIS application and modelling.

Kabir, Mian Muhammad Nurul (1992) Implementation and Applications of the Generalized Radon Transform.

Kimambo, Ms. Anna G. (1992) Spatial growth and densification of spontaneous settlements in Iringa, Tanzania.

Koirala, Achyuta (1992) Mass movement susceptibility of the area east of Manizales Cordillera Central Columbia.

Koosimile, Dominic Ipeleng (1992) Aeromagnetic prospecting for fractured aquifers in the metamorphic terrain of Eastern Botswana.

Koosimile, Dominic Ipeleng (1992) Aeromagnetic prospecting for fractured aquifers in the metamorphic terrain of eastern Botswana.

Kunarak, R. (1992) Low cost feature extraction from aerial photographs.

Kuruwita, S.S. (1992) Use of terrestrial photogrammetry in developing 'DTM of Difference' to aid slope stability analysis.

Leferink, F.B.J. (1992) Preventing electromagnetic interference form integrated circyits and printed circuit boards using computer simulation.

Lopez, Daniel L. (1992) Evaluation of soil degradation in the Araracuara Area of the Colombian Amazone.

Maida Awori, L-R. (1992) Exploring and designing linkage mechanisms between two sectors in regional planning: A G.I.S. approach: A case study of Kakamega District, Kenya.

Manneh, Abdoulie K.M. (1992) Urban property valuation in the Gambia using knowledge-based GIS.

Maragia, Haron Onsomu (1992) Integration of remote sensing, field investigations, and existing data in natural hazards' zonation: An example of Nakuru Town Area, Kenya.

Marques Gonçalves, Luís Jorge S.G. (1992) Local area authority hazard planning GIS.

Martinez, Luis Joel M. (1992) Effect of livestock on soil degradation processes in the Colombian Amazon Region: Case study of the Guaviare Colonization Area.

Marwa, E.M.M. (1992) Modified testing of clay: Bearing aggregates.

Marzan, Rogelio B. (1992) Settlers' households characteristics, dynamics and agricultural land use at Phrao settlement schemes (Phrao District, Chiang Mai, Thailand).

Mashwama, Senza Jobe (1992) Improvement of the soil database for a part of the Middleveld Swaziland for classification, correlation and interpretation purposes.

McDonald, Colin (1992) The project identification process for stateland development projects in Trinidad : A critical review.

Metternicht, Graciela Isabel (1992) The use of optical and active remote sensing imagery for monitoring land cover changes.

Molina, Iñigo (1992) Multistage pattern recognition utilizing high resolution remote sensing data.

Mool, P.K. (1992) Mass-movement susceptability analysis at the medium scale using a GIS system (ILWIS) applied to an area east of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia.

Morales Manilla, Luis Miguel (1992) Search and space theory as the foundations for the design of an object-oriented geographic information system.

Mwakosya, Elizabeth (1992) A physical evaluation of two squatter upgrading and sites and services projects : Using aerial photographs and a geo information system, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ngwisanyi, Tiyapo Hudson (1992) Geophysical investigations for groundwater in karst terrain : a case history for Pitsanyane Basin, Southeastern Botswana.

Niehaus, David J. (1992) Slope instability hazard assessment for natural disaster reduction, an approach using remote sensing analysis and geographical information systems : A case study in the Central Cordillera of Colombia.

Nuru Alemu, Essa (1992) GIS in regional rock slope stability analysis.

Parakum Shantha, K.D. (1992) Use of radar imagery for updating terrain information in topographic databases.

Peng, Wan-ning (1992) Automated generalization of urban road-networks for medium scale topographic data-bases.

Pereira Serrano, Carlos Miguel (1992) Performance evaluation of texture analysis procedures for remote sensing images.

Perez, Florante G. (1992) Geomorphic effects of the 16 July 1990 Luzon earthquake and a hazard zonation for the city of Baguio Philippines.

Qiang, Xiaohu (1992) Integrated study of geology, geochemical, geophysical and Landsat TM imagery in the toposheet of Hinojosa del Duque, Spain.

Qiang, Xiaohu (1992) Integrated study of geology, geochemical, geophysical and landsat tm imagery in the toposheet of Hinojosa del Duque, Spain.

Qiuhong, Liao (1992) Advanced numerical modelling of complex rock mass behaviour in stope 16, Moinho Mine, Portugal.

Rahman, Alias Abdul (1992) Triangular network in digital terrain relief modelling.

Riyadi, Dikdik (1992) A geomorphological approach for slope stability evaluation by using aerial photograph and spot images the Cililin-Gunungghalu area and surroundings Bandung Residence, West Java, Indonesia.

Roushannejad, Ali Asghar (1992) Mathematical morphology in automatically deriving skeleton lines from digitized contours.

Salampessy, Husein (1992) Land evaluation and farming system analysis as applied to cropping systems in the South Tanimbar Sub-District, Maluku Province, Indonesia.

Salas Miranda, Judith (1992) Urban analysis in hazardous zones : Using airphotos and a geo-information system, Villavicencio - Colombia.

Schapink, H.G. (1992) The landless and the settlement scheme approach : A pilot study in Phrao District, Northern Thailand.

Shendy, Mahmoud Mohamed (1992) The application of remote sensing and soil survey in the establishment of a geographic information system for part of the Guadalhorce Catchment, Malaga, Spain.

Sudarshana, S. (1992) Incorporation of edaphology and application of remote sensing with geographic information system in modelling for evaluating ground water potential of Kanhan Catchment, Nagpur, India.

Sumbukeni, H. (1992) Symbolisation system for geomorphological map design in a GIS environment.

Suwanwerakamtorn, Rasamee (1992) Flood forecasting using a hydrologic model and GIS: A case study in Huai Nam Chun catchment, Pa Sak Watershed, Phetchabun, Thailand.

Teshome, Dagnachew (1992) Analysis of farm income, its determinants and causes of variability: A case study of Phrao Cooperative Land Settlement Schemes, Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand.

Toure, Ibrahim (1992) The functioning of The Saloum Delta Biosphere Reserve, Senegal.

Tumewu, Ampi Octovianus (1992) Monitoring changes of land and land use by means of remote sensing and geographic information system in the Pasahari Area, Maluku, Indonesia.

Valencia Villegas, Fanery (1992) An study on data collection systems for digital mapping.

Vazquez Selem, Lorenzo (1992) Gully erosion, soils and landforms in a volcanic area of central Mexico.

Venkatesh, G.R. (1992) Evaluation of multisensor stereo data sets using analytical plotter.

Wagih, Ahmed M. (1992) A GIS based decision support system for principal school siting in Cairo: Using spatial decision support systems to aid municipal planning activities.

Waluyo, Sriyanto (1992) Agro-ecology for growing tea in Central Java Indonesia.

Yan, Li (1992) TMUBased versus SMUBased data modelling for the design of an environmental management database.

Yiman, Wang (1992) The topographic mapping of tidal flats using remote sensing and GIS techniques: A case study in the Wadden Sea Area, North Netherlands.

de Oliveira, J.P. (1992) Generation of data quality parameters in a GIS.

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