University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1993

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Number of items: 90.

(1993) Institutional aspects of rural energy planning and development : The case of Chiang Mai Area.

Adel, Sakouhi (1993) Spot satellite response and tree sub-sampling approach for a cost-effective woody biomass estimation in Tunisia.

Agumya, Aggrey (1993) Design and quality evaluation of computer assisted valuation models.

Alobaida, Abdullatif I. (1993) Contribution to the monitoring of desertification using satellite remote sensing (LANDSAT, NOAA) and geographic information system in northern Madrid Area, Central Spain.

Arriola, Felicisima V. (1993) Relationship between income and household energy consumption patterns : Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province Thailand.

Atmadilaga, Agus Hermawan (1993) Monitoring land use change using GIS techniques : A case study of Bogor area, West Java, Indonesia.

Barrera Lobaton, Myriam Susana (1993) Predicting water yield and sediment yield: A matter of hydrologic reasoning or/and erosion modelling: A study case in Las Ceibas catchment. Huila, Colombia.

Bishr, Yaser A. (1993) Object oriented geo-information modelling and decision support system for watershed management.

Bo, Huang (1993) Integration of expert system and GIS for zoning administration in Wenzhou, China.

Boamah, Daniel (1993) Application of soil geochemistry to gold exploration in the Birimian Rocks of Ghana: Case study from the Demoni/Dankyira Area, Eastern Region, Ghana.

Bric, Vasja (1993) 3D vector data structures and modelling of simple objects in GIS.

Cabore, Frédéric (1993) Temporary protection of vegetation and regeneration of pastures in local level land use planning : Case study of Taouremba Village Territory in the Sahelian Region of Burkina Faso.

Casals-Carrasco, Pilar (1993) Assessment of remote sensing for the study of erosion based on geomorphological terrain analysis (area in central Spain).

Chandrasena, H.M. (1993) Socio economic and institutional aspects of the export agriculture crops promotion programmes in Sri Lanka : A study in Matale District.

Danudoro, Projo (1993) The use of knowledge-based approaches in the integration of remote sensing and geographic information system for land use mapping: A case study of the Buffer Zone of Cibodas Bisophere Reserve, West Java, Indonesia.

Darussalam, Wan (1993) Farmers' participation in the regreening program : A case study in the Cibodas Biosphere Reserve in the Sukabumi District, West-Java, Indonesia.

Dedzoe, Christian Dela (1993) Analysis of within-map unit variability of soils in fluviatile terraces in the Upper Ping Valley, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Deliao, Ye (1993) Late cenozoic sedimentation and tectonics in the reggio Di Calabria (South Italy).

Djamaluddin, Ridwan (1993) Terrain mapping and mass movement hazard zonation using remote sensing and geographic information systems in Cimahi - Padalrang Area, West Java, Indonesia.

Ebob Samuel, Ebotayuk (1993) Supergene geochemistry and morphology of gold in the lateritic regolith of colomine, East Cameroon.

Edwards, Walton W. (1993) Dynamic-model-based image analysis using minimum cost parameter estimation : An application to oil pollution flows in the marine environment.

Elwood, Sompis Chuntamee (1993) Geochemical exploration for rare-earth deposits in the Chiang Mai Basin Elwood, Thailand.

Feleke, Berhanu (1993) Application of GIS techniques in rural energy planning : A case study on biomass energy supply for rural villages in Ethiopia.

Fernandes, Agnelo Dos Milagres (1993) An assessment of various image transformation techniques on landsat tm data for forest classification : A case study in Kobernausserwald Area, Austria.

Gadikor, Samuel Augustus Kwabla (1993) Determining user requirements of national atlas information service of Ghana.

Garcia-Melendez, Eduardo (1993) Geodynamic evolution of the Huercal-Overa Basin and the Sierra De Las Estancias during the Quaternary (SE Spain).

Ghazanfari, Behdad (1993) Selection of the most appropriate classification method in choroplethic mapping.

Hargyono, (1993) Occurrence and prediction of forest degradation : A case study of Upper Konto Watershed, East Java, Indonesia.

Hindarto, Kanang S. (1993) Land evaluation for selected vegetable based LUTs for reduction of erosion : A case study of the Buffer Zone of Cibodas Bisophere Reserve, West Java, Indonesia.

Jain, Sudhir (1993) Renewable energy applications in Northern Thailand : Identification of constraints in the rural context.

Jayananda, B.A. (1993) Analysis of the causes of under-utilized paddy lands in Kalutara District Sri Lanka.

Jianjun, Pan (1993) The role of soil properties on flood prediction : A case study of Mae Rim Catchment, Upper Ping Valley, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Julia, Montserrat Ferrer (1993) GIS and remotely sensed data acquisition for water quality modelling (AgNPS) : A study in Teba catchment. Malaga, Spain.

Khan, Abdul Aziz (1993) A critical examination of 3D euler deconvolution for interpretation of potential field data and its application in the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh.

Khorshed Alam, A.K.M. (1993) Applicability of synthetic aperture radar (ERS-1) and GIS technology for coastal change monitoring in the Oosterschelde Tidal Basin, The Netherlands.

Kouokam, E. (1993) Compilation of all falset data to final report on engineering geological map.

Kuntawang, Kiatsik (1993) Geochemical exploration for gold deposits at Ban Yang Mae Tang Klang area Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Kyessi, Sarah A. (1993) Analysis of the physical and socio-economic characteristics of Manzese squatter settlement Dar Es Salaam : A case of Lake Magomeni Area.

Lawas, Corazon M. (1993) Effectiveness and efficiency of the agricultural credit programme in Phrao District, Chiang Mai Northern Thailand : Application of the Theory of Policy Instruments.

Majeed, Fazal Malik (1993) Identification of potential landfill sites in Greater Colombo for use up to 2010.

Manake, Agnes (1993) A census information system : The case for Uganda.

Mavima, Reuben (1993) The design of an object-oriented multipurpose cadastre in a distributed database environment.

Mbiro, Andrew (1993) Hydrogeological investigation of the Bergantes River Basin in Teruel and Castellon Provinces, North Eastern Spain : Investigation is supported by aerial photo interpretation.

Milfort, Pierre Cam (1993) Labour allocation in the context of community participation : A case study of The Sam Mun Highland Development Project with reference to The Karen and The Lisu Farming Systems.

Naewpanich, Vasinee (1993) The village data base survey : An instrument for problem identification: A case study in Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Naranjo Henao, Jose Luis (1993) Evaluation of the use of training areas in bivariate statistical landslide hazard analysis : A case study from the Chinchiná - Santa Rosa De Cabal Area, Colombia.

Ngah, Sabastine Amauche (1993) Patterns of groundwater chemistry in the southern part of western Netherlands.

Nour, Salah Eldin Ali Mohamed (1993) Identifying viable biomass densification technologies for Sudan : Based on experiences in Thailand and India.

Ntene, S. (1993) Assessment of government policy on rural development : A case study of Thabana-Morena integrated rural development project, Mafeteng District, Lesotho.

Nyakweba, Enosh Osoro (1993) A share in wildlife : Revenue sharing as an incentive for the management and conservation of wildlife in the Amboseli Biosphere Reserve, Kajiado District, Kenya.

Ogeisia, Charles Mong'are (1993) Assessment of pastoralism, arable farming and land tenure in the Amboseli Biosphere Reserve: A case study in Loitokitok, Kajiado district, Kenya.

Ohamobi, Sylvester Ikechukwu (1993) Land evaluation for road corridor selection using GIS in Sokoto State, Northern Nigeria.

Oiboh, Joseph Idemudia (1993) Impact of production techniques and environmental factors on sticky rice (Glutinous rice) yields : A case study in the Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Parodi, Gabriel Norberto (1993) An up-to-date inventory of remote sensing potentiality in the energy balance equation approach for actual evapotranspiration mapping: Basic theory and prospects.

Patrono, Andrea (1993) A study in environmental impact assessment (EIA) : Integrated methodology to assess and predict the ecological impact of a motor way project in the province of Trieste, Italy.

Phem, Sokhon (1993) Revising a DTM by simple image processing techniques.

Pujiantoro, Prayogo (1993) Land evaluation as a toll for local land use planning : A case study in South Malang - Barek Sub Watershed East-Java, Indonesia.

Radjabi Fard, Abbas (1993) Study of data structuring in the context of altimetric databases.

Rahman, Djak (1993) Land evaluation for tea plantation on sloping areas : A case study in the buffer zone of Cibodas Biosphere Reserve West Java, Indonesia.

Rahman, Siham Abdel (1993) Application of GIS for household energy planning in Sudan.

Ram Chhatkuli, Raja (1993) Modelling data quality parameters in a multiple-theme vector data structure and its implementation in a geographic information system.

Ramadhani Kiunsi, Robert Benjamin (1993) Land cover changes in the Longido game controlled area and their possible effect on the functioning of the Amboseli Biosphere Reserve.

Ricchetti, Evaristo (1993) Applicability of remotely sensed and ancillary map and field data using GIS to study the late pliocene-pleistocene deposits of soutwestern Calabria, Italy.

Sadiki, Hamza (1993) Hydrogeological study of Makutupora Basin Dodoma Tanzania : supported by ground water flow moddeling.

Sakubita Nsofwa, Gertrude Mwangala (1993) Monitoring and on-going evaluation : The case of the Zambia improved stove programme.

Setyabudi, Agung (1993) The use of geographical information systems (GIS) for designing forest management units based on optimal accessibility : A case study in Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Shahrabi, B. Ameri (1993) Implementation of an Object-Oriented Topographic Database using Standard Tools.

Shahriari Namini, Nadia (1993) An implementation of a topographic data model in an object-oriented database management system.

Sufyandi, Yendi (1993) Study of the agricultural land value as the basis for land compensation and levies : A case study in the Eastern Cibodas Biosphere Reserve West-Java, Indonesia.

Sugandhi, Dading (1993) A GIS based service assessment model for public health centres Bandung - Indonesia.

Sunandar Wiranta, Dayat Nurhayat (1993) Organisational efficiency in managing the regreening project as an example of natural resource management in Indonesia: A case study at Sukabumi District, with special reference to The Cibodas Biosphere Reserve West Java, Indonesia.

Teeravanich, Ruangyuth (1993) Low income settlements in the southern Periphery of Bangkok : A study of Samut Prakarn Situation.

Tijink, Daniel (1993) Wat auto's beweegt : cultuur-filosofische analyse van het autogebruik en beleidsimplicaties.

Toe, Elisabeth (1993) Monitoring and evaluating of temporary protection of vegetation for the restoration of semi arid land : A case study of Bayend Foulgo, Bam Province/Burkina Faso.

Tongmongkol, Walaiporn (1993) Women's participation in farm women's groups : Phrao District, ChiangMai, Thailand.

Tshering, Dorji (1993) Development of a strategy for re-engineering parcel-based information system in Bhutan.

Uisso, J (1993) Sisal geo-textiles in unpaved roads constructed on soft subgrade soils.

Venance, Mwiko Mathias (1993) Farm size dynamics : A case study in scheme 3 and 4, Phrao Land Settlement Cooperative, Phra District, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Ventura, Oswaldo E. (1993) Land evaluation for land use planning at village level and regional level : A case study of the upper footslopes of Mount Isarog and of The Ragay Hills Camarines Sur Province, Philippines.

Wang, Chunfeng (1993) A gis and knowledge based housing management system for Beijing of China.

Waramit, Worapong (1993) Farmers' selection of cropping systems under different land quality conditions : A case study in scheme 3 and 4, Phrao Land Settlement Cooperative, Phrao District, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Wickramasinghe, W. (1993) Evaluation of selected land utilization types in the estate sector with special reference to the watershed management : a case study of We-Oya a sub-watershed, Kegalle district, Sri Lanka.

Wiratno, (1993) A critical review of the Taungya system as a resource sharing strategy : A socio-economic analysis in relation to buffer zone development, Cibodas Biosphere Reserve, Sukabumi, West-Java, Indonesia.

Wogayehu, Girma (1993) Application of remote sensing for urban growth and housing density change analysis in a data poor environment : Case study of Sokoto City Nigeria.

Wulffraat, Stephan (1993) Beyond the Diama Dam : The impact of changing hydrology on the ecology of Djoudj National Park and its surrounding area.

Xiaohui, Hao (1993) The energy consumption and the options for energy conservation in rural industries in Chiang Mai Area, Thailand.

Y Said, Mohammed (1993) Modelling relationships between large herbivores, vegetation, soils and climate in the Mara Ecosystem : A GIS approach.

Zhang, Minwen (1993) Temporal geographical information system techniques for monitoring landcover change.

Zhengdong, Huang (1993) Exploration of cadastral information for urban renewal studies : Case study in Manizales, Colombia.

Zowindé, Koudougou (1993) Development of G.I.S. model of quantitative and qualitative aspects of rangeland biomass in the Sahel of Burkina Faso.

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