University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1999

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Number of items: 104.

Abd-El Motagaly, Rafaat Kamal Yacoub (1999) Analysis of selected soil properties for assessing land degradation in the newly reclaimed Nubariya area, Egypt.

Abdulahi, Behar Hussein (1999) Surface water - Groundwater Interaction. Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Abdulrahim, Mohammed (1999) Evaluation of erosion control measures using AGNPS and GIS : a case study in Alora, Spain.

Aboagye-Kyei, P.Y. (1999) Cadastral data sharing : a choice between standards and translators.

Addo-Darko, Richard (1999) 3D Seismic interpretation, attribute analysis and the use of local power spectra (LPS) in the South Tano Basin, Offshore Ghana, West Africa.

Ahmed, Ashfaque (1999) Estimating Lake Evaporation Using Meteorological Data & Remote Sensing : A Case Study of Lake Naivasha Central Rift Valley, Kenya.

Ahmed, Ashfaque (1999) Estimating Lake Evaporation Using Meteorological Data & Remote Sensing : A Case Study of Lake Naivasha Central Rift Valley, Kenya.

Akca, Necla (1999) Correlation of SPT-CPT data from the United Arab Emirates.

Al Navarro, G. (1999) Elements for building a spatial data brokering system as a facilitator for a distributed data environment in Colombia.

Alimudoa, Arumadri Joel (1999) Zoning for biodiversity conservation; the use of remote sensing and GIS : Case study Mabira Forest Reserve, Uganda.

Almaguer, Eduardo Perez (1999) A new approach to improving the quality of older generation gamma-ray spectrometry data : A case study from N.E. Kibaran Belt, Central Africa.

Apcarian, Alicia (1999) Land use alternatives in the Alto Valle of the Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina.

Arkhipova, Anastasia (1999) A prototype database system for 3D vector data.

Attanayake, Ajith Nishantha Bandara (1999) Analysis of Fractures in a Granitic Terrain and Their Tectonic and Hydrogeological Implications : A Study from Sardon Catchment Area, Salamanca Province, Spain.

Bajracharya, Birendra (1999) Geo-Information Infrastructure for Water Resources Management : Local and Regional Perspectives.

Belayneh, Wondwosen (1999) The effects of weathering and lichen cover on the reflectance spectra of granitoid rocks : A case study from the Sardon Catchment Area, Salamanca Province, Spain.

Benavides Gelabert, Annetty (1999) GIS Data Integration for Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment in Barranco de Tirajana area, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.

Bhunu, S.T. (1999) Asset management information system water infrastructure in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Bok, S.D. (1999) BIomass assessment of bush encroachment on freehold farms : A case study from Lobatse Farms, Botswana.

Budhathoki, N.R. (1999) Hierarchical Transaction Modelling and its prototype : A case of Nepalese Land Administration.

Carlier, G.J. (1999) Amalgating scattered spatial features: generalising red space in GIS.

Castillo, H.T. (1999) Integrity of spatio-temporal cadastral systems in a distributed environment.

Castro, Ofelia T. (1999) Potential Use of Multi-sensorRemote Sensing for Lahar Mapping : A case study in Mt. Pinatubo Philippines.

Catro Marín, Eduardo (1999) Topographic site characteristics and damage pattern of the January 25th 1999 earthquake in Armenia-Colombia.

Chavez Ardanza, G. (1999) Mining activities in the Bosawas biosphere reserve, Nicaragua: an assessment.

Chisangano, F.C. (1999) Distribution of water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) and its impact on fishing and tourism - A study on the eastern shores of Lake Kariba Zimbabwe.

Das, Iswar Chandra (1999) Spectral characterisation of early pre-cambrian rocks, Balaghat, Central India.

Dehmohseni, Ahmad (1999) Detecting soil moisture variability, using remote sensing/GIS and a hydrologic model at local and regional level (Gorgan Basisn, Iran).

Drakes, Paula M.E. (1999) Geographic Information Infrastructure For The Assessment and Mitigation Of Damages To Communitites In The Hurricane-Prone Carivvean and some Economic Dimensions.

Duah, Anthony Appiah (1999) Groundwater recharge modeling in hard rocks using remote sensing and GIS applications : A case study in the Rio Tormes basin, Salamanca province, Spain.

Estevez Cruz, Elmidio (1999) 3D Orebody modelling and resource estimation of the Jucardo deposit, Pinar del Rio, Cuba.

Feng, Dai (1999) Construction of a GIS database for large scale geomorphological mapping and risk assessment.

Frigole Vilaro, Iris (1999) Cellular automata for dynamic land use change modelling: A case study for Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua.

Frigolé Vilaró, Iris (1999) Cellular automata for dynamic land use change modelling : a case study for Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua.

Georgia, Davanelou (1999) Simulation of Business Process Scenarios for the Evaluation of Cadastral Operations.

Getahun, Fasil Lulie (1999) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Tessina landslide (Alpago, Italy).

Gitonga, Mmbui Samuel (1999) Study of Long-term Waterbalance of Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Gressando, Yulian (1999) Application of geophysical techniques for groundwater investigation in Lake Naivasha area, Kenya.

Guan, Yanning (1999) Integration of RS and GIS to Assess Human Impact on Ecosystem Change in Llanos Area (Venezuela).

Guan, Yanning (1999) Integration of RS and GIS to Assess Human Impact on Ecosystem Change in Lianos Area (Venezuela).

Hammouda, Fathy Abdel Hamed (1999) Time Series Analysis of NOAA-AVHRR Composite Images of Lake Naivasha Basin.

Hashim, Atikah (1999) Monitoring the Growth of Dar es Salaam Using Remote Sensing.

Idawo, C.M. (1999) GIS-based map compilation and generalisation: an automated generalisation procedure for soil maps and the effects of scaling on suitability ratings; A case study in Alora, Spain.

Ilboudo, Abdoulaye Joseph (1999) Evaluation of remote sensing products for crop monitoring in Burkina Faso.

Inaz, Mohamed (1999) Development of a GIS Tool for the Monitoring of the Sea Level Rise impacts on the Coral Islands : Focusing on the islands of the Maldives.

Ismail, J. (1999) Mapping land use/cover changes using optical and radar data : A case study in Kajang and Surrounding areas, Malaysia.

Ismail, Jamilah (1999) Mapping land use/cover changes using optical and radar data: a Case study in Kajang and surrounding areas, Malaysia.

Issa, Amin Ally (1999) Strategies and guidelines to improve the quality of land delivery process in Tanzania.

Jaishi, K (1999) Quality of labour-intensive compaction of unbound granulate road bases.

Jesaya Urassa, Godson (1999) The wetland soil around lake Naivasha Kenya : Charaacterization and ecological functions.

Karioki, J.S. (1999) A structured methodology and implementation strategy for business process reengineering in geo-information production.

Kariuki, P.C. (1999) Analysis of the effectiveness of spectrometry in detecting the swelling clay minerals in soils.

Katigula, M.I.L. (1999) Dependence of local communities on protected forests as sources of non-timber forest products and its role in forest management.

Kim, Chang-Jin (1999) Implementation of Semantic Translation for Finding the Corresponding Geometric Objects between Topographic Databases.

Kularatne, M.G. (1999) "Fishermen without fish": The Effects of Productivity Decline in Lagoon Fisheries on a Fishing and Farming Community and Its Use of Natural Resources : A Case Study of Malala Lagoon, Hambantota, Sri Lanka.

Li, Jingwei (1999) A Method of Establishing Framework Data in National Geospatial Data Infrastructure of China.

Limbumba, Tatu Mtwangi (1999) An overview of factors for residential location and movement of housholds in Dar es Salaam.

Lugomela, Francis Kija (1999) Integrated applications of geo-techniques for temporal studies and map updating.

Maembe, Anna Tayari (1999) Mapping fires in Miombo Woodlands using NOAA AVHRR : A case study in Kariba and Hurungwe Districts, Zimbabwe.

Mahmoud, Hind (1999) Comparison of factors affecting maize yield in relation to land tenure system in Northern Zimbabwe : A case study in Hurungwe and Kariba Districts, Zimbabwe.

Manansala, Annette P. (1999) Poverty monitoring System: Angeles City, Philippines.

Mani Nepal, Santosh (1999) Analysis of forest cover change using multi temporal remote sensing and ancillary data: The case of Chitwan district, Nepal.

Manyumwa, Tendayi (1999) Improving land delivery focusing on the resettlement programme in Zimbabwe.

Marin, Eduardo Castro (1999) Topographic site characteristics and damage pattern of the January 25th 1999 earthquake in Armenia-Colombia.

Matinhari, E.F. (1999) Dams on deep foundation of weathered granite; solutions for reducing under-seepage and prevention of piping failure.

Mbewe, B. (1999) The Effects of Tsetse on Farming : a case study of the Hurungwe and Kariba districts, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe.

Mhina Mngube, Fredrick (1999) Describing and mapping of fertilizer application on maize production using GIS : A case study in Hurungwe and Kariba, Communal, Commercial and Resettlement land tenure systems.

Morgan, Michel F. (1999) Building Extraction from Laser Scanning Data.

Mugemuzi, Venant Balwegirira (1999) Accelerating cadastral survey processes to improve up-to-date digital parcel information in Tanzania.

Mugisha, Charles M. (1999) Impact of land use change on fuelwood collecting areas: application of remote sensing and GIS : A case study for Budongo and Biiso Sub-Counties Masindi District-Uganda.

Mulenga, Emmanuel (1999) Integration of exploration data to assess mineralisation potential in Eastern Zambia.

Murei, B.K. (1999) The environmental impacts of subsidence occurrence and land cover change analysis using multi-temporal remotely sensed data and GIS : A case of Nakuru area, Kenya.

Musa, Muhamed Kamal Azidy (1999) An assessment of multi-data fusion in forest resource management, for the northern part of Selangor, Malaysia.

Méndez Egueta, Ganzola Rodolfo (1999) Reconstruction of land-cover units by object-based classification.

Ndola, Thomas N. (1999) An integrated approach to the preparation of general-purpose engineering geological maps and the evaluation of special purpose map derivatives.

Ngorima, Clay F. (1999) Statistical modelling of spatial controls of mineralisation in the Iberian Pyrite Belt.

Omari, Malilo Hamisi (1999) Determination of Sustainable Forest management by use of criteria and indicators : A case study in Singida rural District, Tanzania.

Owusu, Emmanuel Adjei (1999) Quantification of risks associated with mineral deposit evaluation based on drillhole data.

Park, Won-Dae (1999) Functional Specification for on-line Geoinformation Service.

Pereira, I.J.J.F (1999) Mapping Water-Limited Potential Yields for Maize to Improve Yield Gap Studies : A case study of the Hurungwe, Kanyati and Rengwe Communal Lands of Zimbabwe.

Pérez García, Julio E. (1999) Re-evaluation of the Cerro Colorado copper deposit, Minas de Rio Tinto, Spain.

Querido, Antonio Luis Evora Ferreira (1999) Watershed system analysis for evaluating the efficiency of soil and water conservation works : A case study in Ribeira Seca, Santiago Island, Cape Verde.

Ramírez Hernández, Robert (1999) Groundwater flow modeling of Naivasha Basin, Kenya.

Ringo, Dominick E. (1999) Assessment of erosion in the turasha catchment in the Lake Naivasha Area-Kenya.

Rodriguez Basante, B. (1999) Interpretation of geophysical datasets for geological and structural mapping in western Cuba.

Rodríguez Basante, Beatriz (1999) Interpretation of geophysical datasets for geological and structural mapping in western Cuba.

Salah, Ahmad (1999) Productive and sustainable use of water among competing sectors : A study in the Naivasha Catchment, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

Salah, Ahmad (1999) Productive and sustainable use of water among competing sectors : A study in the Naivasha catchment, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

Salazar Perez, Jorge (1999) Remote sensing and GIS for evaluating Irrigation Performance : A methodology used in three Communities in the Punata Irrigation Scheme.

Salimee, Pariyart (1999) Utilisation of GIS for Improving Solid Waste Collection : A case Study of Angeles City, Philippines.

Sattar, Farha (1999) Web Based Agent Oriented Spatial Data Infrastructure to Support Sustainable land use.

Saungweme, Dennis (1999) Identifying elephant corridors using GIS/habitat modelling and remotely sensed imaged : A case study of parts of the Zambezi river valley wildlife complex in north western Zimbabwe.

Shilinde, Marco S.K. (1999) Development of an electronic front door to improve the land delivery process (LDP) in Tanzania.

Shrestha, S. (1999) Geographical Framework and Cartographic Visualisation of Census Data in Nepal.

Shrestha, T.R. (1999) Urban drainage upgrading : A case of Angeles City, The Philippines.

Singh, Vijaya Prasad (1999) An analytical study on effect of indigenous management practices on forest vegetation : A case study in a central Middle Hill District of Nepal.

Sobhan, I. (1999) Spatial distribution of southern African woodland species using GIS models.

Tamrakar, Shanta Muni (1999) Determination of potential community forestland through a GIS based spatial analysis of forest resource accessibility : Case study of Middle Hills of Nepal.

Tanrikulu, F.E. (1999) Land for housing the poor : The location of suitable land for low-income housing.

Udayakumara, R.P. Shelton (1999) The effect of change in datasets on the spatial variability of citrus.

Uno, Irianto (1999) The variation in schimdt hammer rebound values related to rock mass weathering.

Woldemariam, Mekonnen Gebremichael (1999) Determination of regional scale crop coefficients for crop water requirement calculations: a remote sensing perspective : A case study of the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya.

Xu, T.Z. (1999) Water Quality Assessment and Pesticide Fade Modeling in the Lake Naivasha area, Kenya.

Zewdie, M.T. (1999) Land tenure and its impact on land resource utilisation in KAffa-Sheka Administrative Zone.

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