University of Twente Student Theses


The energy of polarons and bipolarons in relation to high Tc superconductivity

Hond, J.J.M. de (2012) The energy of polarons and bipolarons in relation to high Tc superconductivity.

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Abstract:In this thesis we investigate the possibility of the formation of a bipo- laron out of two polarons in a polarizable lattice. The formation of a bipolaron in such a lattice is thought to be a possible explanation for high Tc superconductivity. Based on classical electrostatics the energy of two mutually interacting polarizable particles is generalized to N interacting particles. This result has been used to device of a numerical simulation for the energy of a uniform square lattice and a CuO2 lattice. Through these calculations it is found that only for a highly unlikely set of mate- rial parameters (such as the polarizability of the particles) it is possible to assimilate a bipolaron without having an external force to keep it together.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:33 physics
Programme:Applied Physics BSc (56962)
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