University of Twente Student Theses


IJsformatie tijdens cryoablatie : het 2D-modelleren van de temperatuurverspreiding tijdens cryoablatie van prostaatcarcinoom

Bussink, T.W. and Hankel, T.C. and Lemmink, R.M.A.Z. and Semmelink, K. (2015) IJsformatie tijdens cryoablatie : het 2D-modelleren van de temperatuurverspreiding tijdens cryoablatie van prostaatcarcinoom.

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Abstract:Cryoablation uses compressed argon to kill tumour cells of the prostate by freezing them. MRI guidance gives the best visualisation of the ice formation during the procedure, but it cannot distinguish different temperatures, including the lethal temperature. More understanding about the thermal distribution within the formed ice is necessary to improve the planning of the procedure. The literature that has been found is used to determine several parameters, tissue properties and their values. These tissue properties and parameters are combined in a finite element model by using MATLAB, to create a 2D-model for the thermal distribution in tissue. This model is verified by comparing it with values measured in phantom tissue. Parameters such as duration and rate of freezing and thawing, minimal temperature, quantity of cycles and usage of cryosurgical instruments have an effect on the thermal distribution just like some tissue properties as thermal conductivity, perfusion, metabolic heat, specific heat capacity and latent heat. These parameters and tissue properties are important to combine in a model for predicting the thermal distribution around a cryoneedle. It is possible to plan the placement of the cryoneedles more precisely when the model is optimized with more parameters and tissue properties.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Radboudumc, Nijmegen, Nederland
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:33 physics, 42 biology, 44 medicine
Programme:Technical Medicine BSc (50033)
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