University of Twente Student Theses


Effectiviteit van de STIP-aanpak : Een onderzoek naar kennisuitwisseling en kennisontwikkeling bij leerlingen van verschillende competentieniveaus

Eshuis, E.H. (2015) Effectiviteit van de STIP-aanpak : Een onderzoek naar kennisuitwisseling en kennisontwikkeling bij leerlingen van verschillende competentieniveaus.

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Abstract:This study examined the effectiveness of the STIP approach (in Dutch: “Samenwerken tijdens Taak-, Inhoud- en Procesdifferentiatie”). According to this approach, learners construct knowledge by working together in homogeneous groups, in which instruction is adjusted to their ability level. After that, they have to exchange their unique knowledge in heterogeneous groups in order to accomplish a group assignment. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of this approach on the learning gains of learners with different ability levels and to determine how the different contributions of the heterogeneous groups relate to the individual learning gains. Besides that, it was examined how the results of the homogeneous cooperation, the contribution of the individual learner, the results of the heterogeneous cooperation and the individual learning gains relate to each other. In order to test this, there were two conditions: an experimental condition in which lessons were given according to the STIP approach (N = 95) and a control condition in which lessons were given in a more traditional way (N = 149). The results showed that learners in the control condition reached higher learning gains than learners in the experimental condition. Despite the fact that the total amount of time for the lessons was the same in both conditions, learners in the control condition had more time to construct knowledge than learners in the experimental condition, which could be an explanation for this result. The other results showed that there was a positive relationship between the amount of group contributions and the individual learning gains. Furthermore, it was found that the better the results of the homogeneous cooperation, the more learners contribute during knowledge exchange, the better the results of the heterogeneous cooperation and the higher the individual learning gains. To conclude, on condition that learners cooperate well, the STIP approach offers a useful methodology that has the capacity for learners to reach higher learning gains.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology, 81 education, teaching
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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