University of Twente Student Theses


IoT White Worms : design and application

Ferronato, Giovanni (2020) IoT White Worms : design and application.

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Abstract:The phenomenon of malicious IoT botnets has been constantly growing over the past few years to the point that it is nowadays one of the biggest threats on the Internet. Many techniques have been employed to fight botnets. Unfortunately, those have proven not to be enough. That is why white worms have been proposed. White worms are self-propagating programs that take advantage of the spreading and infection mechanism of malicious botnets with the final aim of securing and protecting IoT devices. However, given that white worms have similarities with malicious botnets in some parts, they also inherit some issues from botnets. That is why white worms have always being seen negatively and they have never been a study field in the cybersecurity community. This work analyzes the issues in using white worms, it defines a list of requirements that white worms should satisfy, and it proposes a set of design guidelines to build good white worms that are usable and beneficial in real-world scenarios. Moreover, thanks to the implementation of a proof-of-concept white worm, this work also proves that a white worm that follows the proposed design guidelines is feasible and effective in protecting IoT devices.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Computer Science MSc (60300)
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