University of Twente Student Theses


Data-Driven Analysis of Cellular Network Resilience in the Netherlands

Janssen, D.D. (2021) Data-Driven Analysis of Cellular Network Resilience in the Netherlands.

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Abstract:The importance of analysing the resilience of a mobile cellular network has increased, since almost everyone in the world uses the mobile cellular network. This paper evaluates the resilience of cellular networks in the Netherlands using a crowd-sourced data set, i.e. OpenCellId. We perform a literature survey to determine which resilience metrics can be used for mobile cellular network and also the potential risks for a mobile cellular network. A simulator created by us uses an OpenCellId data set of base stations to simulate the potential risks and evaluate the resilience of the mobile cellular network in cities of the Netherlands. The analysis shows that Amsterdam is the most resilient city in the Netherlands against natural disasters. On the other hand, Middelburg is the least resilient against natural disasters, since its number of base stations in Middelburg is significantly lower than in Amsterdam. Moreover the area of Amsterdam is significantly larger than Middelburg, so the simulated natural disaster would not cover Amsterdam completely while Middelburg is completely covered. Malicious attacks do not have a large impact on the cities of the Netherlands. All cities have an acceptable level of resilience for the network during a malicious attack. When increasing the requested data rate, Middelburg performed the best of all the cities and Rotterdam the worst. Since there are significantly more users connected to the base stations in Rotterdam than in Middelburg, the increasing requested data rate has more effect on the resilience of the network. This can also conclude that there is a relation between connected users to base stations and the satisfaction level.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Computer Science BSc (56964)
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