University of Twente Student Theses


AI as the assistant of the teacher : an adaptive math application for primary schools.

Dijk, Lotte J. van (2021) AI as the assistant of the teacher : an adaptive math application for primary schools.

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Abstract:The question, "how to design and develop an AI assistant that adapts towards the zone of proximal development of the students, while reducing the workload of the teachers``, is answered. The problem analysis focusses on different fields such as the classroom, teachers, children, learning support with literature research. Three tasks of the teacher are identified: administration, analysis and content creation. This leads to a global design for an adaptive application in primary schools and a prototype for an adaptive math application is developed. The main focus lays on staying within the zone of proximal development by developing an adaptive algorithm that automatically increases and decreases the difficulty level. The teacher gets more insight the progress of the children by using the teacher’s interface with notifications and an overview of the progress of the individual, class or subject. The adaptive algorithm is tested by simulations and showed the envision behaviour. It is able to find and adapt to the level of the student. The algorithm itself is generic and could be implemented with a different subject. Overall, the global design and the prototype showed a possible answer to the research question. Future work focusses on an user study with the prototype.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science, 70 social sciences in general, 80 pedagogy, 81 education, teaching
Programme:Computer Science MSc (60300)
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