University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1990

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Number of items: 56.

(1990) Geomorphological approach to volcanic hazard zonation using remote sensing images two case studies from Indonesia: MT. Gede, West Java and MT. Agung, Bali.

Adeleke, Yekini Adewale (1990) Three phase cluster sampling technique for spruce volume determination.

Anaman, Tasnee (1990) Database development and use as a tool for farming systems analysis : A case study at Tambon Lomkao and Tambon Nasaeng The Upper Pasak Watershed Area Phetchabun Province, Thailand.

Aniwa, Ferdinand K. (1990) Determination and definition of the structural style of some sedimentary provinces off-shore Ghana using processed digital gravity and magnetic data.

Arce Salcedo, Juan Pablo (1990) Environmental impact of beef cattle activity and growth centres analysis for conservation planning (Dept. of Beni, Bolivia).

Asfaha, Woldegiorgis (1990) Processing and interpretation of gravity aeromagnetic data, Gambella, SW Ethiopa.

Austrom, Carl Richard (1990) The Design of an Opto-electronic Filter for Textural Feature Selection, with Applications in Remote-Sensing of Forest Canopies.

Bae, Jae-Hi (1990) Updating of a 1:50000 topographic map using analogue and digital spot images.

Banda, Martin B.W. (1990) Spatial variability of "Mopanosols" in Liwonde Area, Central Machinga District, Malawi: Its implication to crop sustainability and management possibilities.

Bargagli, A. (1990) Geometric aspects and DTM requirements related to feature extraction from SPOT images.

Beyene, Alebachew (1990) Groundwater study of middle-upper Bilate River Basin with emphasis on Middle Bilate (Ethiopia).

Carvajal, Luz Mery Valencia (1990) Recommendations for the production and revision of Colombian maps 1:100.000 utilizing remote sensing data.

Cisneros Acevedo, Rosana Victoria (1990) Well log response to Eolian reservoir heterogeneities.

Durosier, Jh. Serge (1990) Assessment of land degradation and its consequences: A case study of the Bouyaha river watershed, Haiti.

Endom, Wesman (1990) Determination of forest floor thickness and wateryield estimation : Case study in the Kobernausser Forest, Austria.

Erian, Wadid Fawzy (1990) The use of digital image processing in combination with a geographic information system for monitoring the development of recently reclaimed calcareous soils in Egypt.

Everaerts, Michel (1990) The compilation and interpretation of geophysical data from the Mount Isa Area, N.W. Queensland, with the support of a geographic information system.

Garamoon, Hassan K.F. (1990) The mechanism and estimation of the recharge in the Burg El Arab Area, Egypt : A study based on image processing and unsaturated model techniques on selected bare soil types.

Gausi, Sydney M. (1990) Application of ALES (Automated Land Evaluation System) in land suitability evaluation for selected rainfed agricultural crops in the central part of Mangochi District, Malawi: A study aimed at testing the applicability of ALES under Malawian farming systems.

Hamid, Maher A. Abdel (1990) The use of remote sensing techniques in combination with a geographic information system for soil studies with emphasis on quantification of salinity and alkalinity in the northern part of the Nile Delta, Egypt.

Haryono, Emmawan (1990) Hydrogeological study of the Upper Cimandiri Catchment with emphasis on Gede Volcanic Area : A study supported by G.I.S. and modelling.

Horecha, Desta (1990) Groundwater study of Gellana Basin with emphasis on Upper Gellana Catchment (Ethiopia) : Based on field work, Thematic Mapper image and aerial photo interpretation.

Ibrahim, Mamdouh A. (1990) The use of geoinformation systems for determination of land capability for construction materials and residential settlements in the Area East of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.

Jahdi, Masoud (1990) Wave theory based multiple elimination on CMP gathers.

Jamaludin Bin Sayed Ali, Sayed (1990) The influence of the photographic image quality on feature extraction for DEM matching.

Jianxin, Qian (1990) Stability assessment of the Hoorensberg Room and Pillar Mine, Southern Limburg, the Netherlands.

Kathuri, Francis Karanga (1990) Application of remote sensing and geographical information system techniques to district water resources assessment and planning: With Samburu District, Kenya as a study case.

Kissakwa, L.R.S. (1990) An investigation of relationships between strength testing procedures for aggregates in unbound pavement construction.

Kuneepong, Parida (1990) Crop modelling of maize as a tool on the data base and as an input to land evaluation for the Upper Pasak Watershed, Phetchabun Thailand.

Leksono, Bambang Edhi (1990) Spot images and small format aerial photography of Bandung City, Indonesia: Geometric correction and classification using the Ilwis System.

Lozano-Gonzalez, Benjamin (1990) An Ilwis aplication in Departamento of Caldas: Chinchina watershed - Pava west and Pava east subwatersheds Caldas - Colombia.

Malaon, Azwir (1990) Planning goals and land evaluation as a basis for land use planning using interactive multiple goal linear programming: A case study in the upper Kali Konto Watershed, East Java.

Masialeti, Iwake (1990) The use of artemis-vegetation index (NDVI) data for monitoring landcover dynamics and yields in the southern province, Zambia.

Mohammad, M.A.H. (1990) The use of Loess-Bentonite mixtures as liners for waste disposal sites.

Msuku, Isaac Reuben (1990) Land evaluation of Mangochi Project Area in Malawi for grazing by application of automated land evaluation system (ALES).

Murtolo, - (1990) Geological indicators in the geomorphology of the East Lembang Area, West Java.

Negussei, Yetnayet (1990) Groundwater resource study of the Gidabo Basin : Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia reconnaissance study.

Nwosu, Azubuike G. (1990) Progressive sampling by digital image matching.

Orlic, B. (1990) The application of Ilwis in the estimation of safety of mine pillars.

Palero, Maria Monica (1990) Determination of curve number using GIS and remote sensing techniques.

Pickering, R.P. (1990) Digital image analysis of spot multispectral data for topographic mapping.

Purwanto, Edi (1990) A contribution to the hydrology of the Upper Cimandiri Catchment with emphasis on the application of the HEC-1 Model.

Quang Tri, Le (1990) Present land use as a basis for land evaluation in the Mekong Delta : A case study in Phung Hiep area - Hau Giang Mekong Delta - Viet Nam.

Rijanta, R. (1990) Off-farm activities in Kabupaten Bantul : A study on the structure, nature and importance of off-farm activities in Lowland and Upland Farming Systems.

Rudy-Priyanto, - (1990) Erosion assessment in large catchment using relational modelling applied to Upper Cimandiri Catchment West Java - Indonesia.

Saeed, Badawi Saeed (1990) Comparative study of workability of some vertisols in Sudan and Spain.

Salamanca P., Silvia C. (1990) Quadtrees data structure for handling large data sets of multi-resolution nature.

Salgado, Hector Jaime Lopez (1990) Soil - induced mass movement hazards in sloping areas : Case study of the upper Coello river Basin, Tolima, Colombia.

Sugondo, Djodi Sukardjo (1990) Geomorphology of the West Lembang Area, West Java, Indonesia.

Suhardiyanto, Akhmad (1990) Adaptation and testing of the land evaluation computer system (LECS) in the semi-aid region of Antequera, Spain, for selected crops and advanced management.

Susilawati, Siti (1990) Organizational and operational aspects of geographical information systems for planning and monitoring forest management activities in Indonesia : Some case studies using ILWIS and dBaseIV.

Temu, Msanjo Humphrey (1990) Cotton production in Iringa District, Tanzania : A farming systems analysis to its production.

Tinnachote, Chanin (1990) Assessment of established GIS systems for building and applying a multipurpose cadastre in Bangkok.

Wiradisastra, Dodi Sukmayadi (1990) Design consideration of a digital topographic database of multi-resolution nature, with special reference to Bakosurtanal Indonesia.

Wiyanto, Agus (1990) Landscape ecological study of the Cibodas Biosphere Reserve as base line information for management plan.

Zerai, Habteab (1990) Ground water study of lower bilate and western Lake-Abaya Sub-Catchments (Southern Rift Valley, Northern Omo Province, Ethiopia).

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