University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1995

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Number of items: 101.

Agli, Charles K. (1995) Effects of people's participation in decision making on sustainable management of natural resources : case of erosion control in Badzaido (Yatenga Province) and Lankoe (Sourou Province), Burkina Faso.

Al-Shami, Ahmed Ali (1995) Hydrological investigation of the Cervera river basin in Castellon provinces, north eastern Spain.

Albricht, Robert C. (1995) Where are the Tsavo elephants? Tembo Wako Wapi? : GIS models of elephant distributions in the Tsavo National Park, Kenya.

Ali Sola, Salem (1995) The application of remote sensing and GIS in detecting citrus crop land cover variation : A case study from Alora, Spain.

Amidou, Ouedraogo (1995) Monitoring the start of the crop growing period for food security : GIS modelling of NOAA-Vegetation Index time series for Food Security Early Warning in Burkina Faso.

Andrua, Hudson J. (1995) Common property forest resources management : A case study in Msasa IBC, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania.

Apollo, Kariuki (1995) The role of fire and elephants in modifying a semi-arid environment : Woody Cover Modification in Tsavo East National Park.

Arcuri, Claudia (1995) Flood hazard assessment and zonation of the Medinas river catchment (Tucuman, Argentina) : Inundation hazard on semi-detailed scale 1:20,000.

Asef, Mohammad Reza (1995) Equotip as an index test for rock strength properties.

Atienza, Guillerma Jayne T. (1995) Lahar mapping using remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques : A case study of Pasig-Potrero River Basin, Mount Pinatubo, Phillippines.

Bagheri, Hamid (1995) Design criteria for rock foundation treatment in dam sites : Gavoshan Dam Site, Iran.

Bahadur, Lok Kunwar (1995) Study of the relationship between land use and soil erosion hazard using simple erosion field tests, surface microtopographic features and remote sensing data: A case study in Likhu Khola Watershed, Nepal.

Bakr, Mahmoud I. (1995) A multiobjective groundwater management approach : A case study of a Quasi-3 dimensional aquifer system, "Vinaroz-Peniscola Plain".

Bannur, Abdussalam M.M. (1995) Designing a Geo-information system to support City Planning and management functions : In Dar Es Salaam City Council, Tanzania.

Bastidas de Calderón, Maria G. (1995) Environmental fragility and vulnerability assessment of a mangrove area in the lower San Juan River Basin, Venezuela.

Baučić, Martina (1995) Spatial data for electric utilities.

Bayasgalan, Amgalan (1995) Application of remote sensing techniques for the regional geology and neotectonics of the Gobi Altay Range, South-Western Mongolia.

Bedoya Jaen, Conrado (1995) Strike slip faulting along the crevillente fault zone in the Ronda area : Malage province - Spain.

Brandenburg, N.P. (1995) Geokern: A software platform for the production of environmental indicators : A case study on the Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Research spatial information provision (RIVM, The Netherlands).

Britto Priyono, Johanes de (1995) Rural settlement classification, with aerial photography and GIS, in support of village statistics.

Cerdenia, MA. Victoria M. (1995) GIS for land use monitoring at the local level : A case study in Sitio Bendum, Philippines.

Cervantes L., José F. (1995) Behaviour of seismic p-waves in discontinuous rock masses.

Chaparro Maldonado, Nidia Elcy (1995) Modelling and prototyping a territorial information system for the province of Chubut Argentina.

Chatchai, Chinavornsiriwattana (1995) Remote sensing and geographic information systems to determine agricultural land use change : A case study in Taita Taveta District, Kenya.

Chen, Jianyao (1995) The GIS-based integration of ground truth with hydrologic modelling following the semi-distributed approach, applied to Teba Catchment, Southern Spain.

Cheng Jianquan, (1995) GIS for redevelopment of inner cities in transformation : Case study: Hankou, Wuhan city, P.R. China.

ChengYang, Zheng (1995) Analysis of conflicts between agriculture and elephant conservation : Remote sensing and GIS applications in Taita-Taveta District, Kenya.

Degefu, Efrem (1995) Geotechnical parameters of Limos : Falset, Spain.

Denis Mujuni, Byabashaija (1995) Fuelwood pricing and its impact on wood energy based industrial enterprises : A case study of bakeries and lime industries in Iloilo and Guimaras Provinces, The Philippines.

Despaigne D., A.I. (1995) Geological and structural study of the peridotite country-rocks in Pujerra area, south Spain : with emphasis on development of cleavages and mineralogy.

Edwards, Katto (1995) Evaluation of the Phosphate Resource of Busumbu Ridge.

Eledu, Allan Charles (1995) Evaluation of overland flow production potential for watershed and low land management : A case study of the "Marble" Hillslopes, Hmong Chang Yen Village, Mae Malai, Chiang Mai - Thailand.

Esayyas Dagnew, G.S. (1995) GIS, spatial association and correlation of facet and field information : Alora Case Study.

Eslami Rad, A. (1995) Development of a quality control procedure for photogrammetric digital mapping.

Felus, (1995) Photogrammetry and field completion : an intelligent approach.

Fullah, Noah Dauda (1995) Preliminary hydrogeological assessment of the Inter Montana Basin around San Mateo : In the Province of Castellon, Eastern Spain.

Fussi, Fabio (1995) Contribution to a decision support system based on integration of GIS and simulation models : A case study in Tunuyan Inferior irrigation scheme (Mendoza,Argentina).

Glia, Mohammed (1995) Map revision digital photogrammetry.

Hernández Pardo, Orlando (1995) Visualisation of hidden geology in a 2D GIS with support from interpretation of potential field anomalies.

Hong, Yang (1995) Detecting Of Areas Of Spontaneous Combustion Of Coal By Using Airborne and TM Data In Xinjiang, China.

Hooshang, Asadi Haroni (1995) Integrated analysis of geological datasets for gold exploration in Takab Shahin-Dez Quadrangle, Iran.

Hussein, Said S. (1995) The Mrima Hill Carbonatite, Kenya: mineralogy, geochemistry and supergene alteration.

Idris, Mohammed T. (1995) Value of landsat TM data for management of upcountry plantations in Sri Lanka.

Kabalisa, Vincent De Paul (1995) Rainfall & runoff analysis and modeling for Teba and Turon catchments.

Kaswamila, Abiud Luckius Wa (1995) Assessment of the effectiveness of certain soil conservation practices by soil surface microtopographic features : A case study of Mlesa, Mwangoi and Majulai in the West Usambara Mountains (Tanzania).

Ketema, Abebe (1995) Hydrogeological investigation of Servol River Basin , Castellon province, eastern Spain : Study supported by aerial photo, satellite images interpretations and GIS.

Kgaswanyane, Mathapelo Mokhosoa (1995) Should female headed farm households be treated as a homogenous group in agricultural innovation diffusion? : A study of adoption of six innovations by female headed households in East Usambara Mountains, Tanga Region, Tanzania.

Khan, Shajur Rahman (1995) Geomorphic characterization of cyclone hazards along the coast of Bangladesh : Reconnaissance and detailed studies using GIS and remote sensing techniques.

Kianifar, F. (1995) Performance evaluation of digital photogrammetric workstations versus analytical plotters for photogrammetric feature extraction.

Kimeu, Patrick Kyaka (1995) Does titling of rural land have an impact on its price? A case study in Kenya.

Kisoyan, Philip Koskei (1995) Monitoring and analysis of land cover changes using remote sensing and geographic information systems : A case study of Taita/Taveta District.

Krijger, B. (1995) The development of a geographical information system to support environmental management : A case study on the "Biologische Station Zwillbrock e.v." at Zwillbrock - Germany.

Kuttikul, Pracha (1995) Optimization of 3D Euler deconvolution for the interpretation of potential field data.

Kuyembeh, N.G. (1995) Land use types and soil erosion : An evaluation of soil erosion hazard from soil surface microtopographic features.

Kyaka Kimeu, Patrick (1995) Does titling of rural land have an impact on its price? : A case study in Kenya.

Lemenih, Mulugeta (1995) Woody biomass assessment of trees and shrubs for fuelwood in Ziway Region Woodland, Ethiopia : The application of tree subsampling as cost effective approach.

Lombana, Edgar Joaquín Carrillo (1995) Creating a GIS database for seismic and geotechnical microzonation of the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga - Colombia.

Luzi, Lucia (1995) GIS for slope stability zonation in the Fabriano Area, Central Italy.

Mafalacusser, Jacinto M. (1995) The use of indigenous knowledge for land use planning in a part of Xai-Xai district, Gaza province, Mozambique.

Mambo, Austin (1995) Aspects of soil science on land evaluation in Alora Village, Malaga District, Andalucia Spain.

Manipon, Claro Jose C. (1995) Characterization of geochemical anomalies in the Dinagat Ophiolite, Philippines: Emphasis on laterites.

Masayanyika, Sammy W.S. (1995) Linking conservation with livelihood security : The Case of East Usambara Mountains, Amani Division, Tanga Region, Tanzania.

Masinde, Peter Kakai (1995) Elephant damage control in the Tsavo ecosystem : A cost-benefit analysis of electric fencing in the Bura-Mwatate Area, Kenya.

Mauricio, Castro Schmitz (1995) Andean forest restoration and management for watershed conservation in Colombia.

Mesgari, M. Saadi (1995) Land classification for a rural fiscal cadastre using remotely sensed data.

Messelu, Girma (1995) Interpretability of digital images.

Mhango, Brian J. (1995) Soil erosion assessment using geographical cal information systems (GIS) : A case study from Alora, Southern Spain.

Mkanda, Evelyn E.A. (1995) The application of GIS in the mineral claim allocation process: As applied on a case study on the Lake Victoria Goldfield of northern Tanzania.

Monjane, Marta (1995) Forest land allocation using geographic information systems and landsat TM data: A case study in Matutuine District, Mozambique.

Mukumbura, Likando (1995) Information system development for land use change analysis : Case study on citrus cultivation in Alora, Spain.

Napolitano, Paola (1995) GIS for aquifer vulnerability assessment in the Piana Campana, Southern Italy using the Drastic and Sintacs Methods.

Ndyeshumba, Pitio (1995) Soil and land use Catenas: A case study of Amani Sub-Catchment, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania.

Nitihardjo, Sugiharto (1995) Terrain mapping unit approach for landslide susceptibility zonation using remote sensing and geographic information systems in Lembang - Bukit Tunggul Area, West Java, Indonesia.

Njamu, Mwape F. (1995) Structural analysis of the internal-external zone boundary, Betic Cordilleras, Ronda Area, Southern Spain.

Quispe Medina, Pedro (1995) An investigation of spatial definition of topographic and cadastral objects in a municipal GIS.

Quiñones, Marcela José (1995) Assessment of AirSAR Airborne, polarimetric data for forested land recognition and tropical forest structure and physiognomic composition analysis.

Ramroop, Steve (1995) GIS support for upgrading drainage and road networks in unplanned settlements: Hanna Nassif, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.

Run, Wu (1995) Endemic species habitat survey for biodiversity conservation : A case study in the Taita Taveta Hills, Kenya.

Saleh, Alaa El-Din (1995) Temporal aspects in the framework of cadastral information system in Egypt.

Salim, Mehrdad Jafari (1995) The use of satellite images and DEM optimization methods for 1:50,000 scale base map of Iran.

Sam, Haroun Osman (1995) Evaluation of agro-waste potential for rural electrification of Iloilo Province, The Philippines.

Sango, P.M. (1995) Controls on mineralisation in the Lake Victoria Goldfield, Tanzania.

Santosa, Iman (1995) GIS application in monitoring the industrial plantation forest development at provincial level in Indonesia : Case study in Province of Maluku.

Sapkota, Shyam L.S. (1995) Study of landslide hazard in the Upper Thulo Khola and Khani Khola subwatershed (Middle Mountain of Nepal).

Sedogo, Laurent G. (1995) Data aggregation and classification strategies for land use mapping using GIS : A Case Study in Alora, Province of Malaga, Spain.

Senol, Ozmutlu (1995) Expert system approach for preparation of special purpose engineering geological maps : A case study of excavatability map in the Falset area, Spain.

Seyid, Abubeker Ali (1995) Hydrological investigation of smaller catchments in Ethiopia : A case study of the Andit Tid and the Paired Gununo Catchments.

Shah, Farhat M. (1995) Groundwater resource evaluation and GIS study as preprocessing for 3-D groundwater flow modelling of Olawa River Basin.

Shanmei, Mao (1995) Spatio-temporal modelling of the hydrological processes based on the theories of energy balance and topmodel supported by RS/GIS techniques.

Sibhat, Nesibu (1995) Background study on fast and efficient electromagnetic profiling and mapping techniques.

Somboon-anek, Panya (1995) 3D-GIS Modelling for geotechnical purposes: Sliedrecht, Netherlands.

Tengco, Gary James F. (1995) Considerations for Rattan land use changes in the Dupinga Watershed, Philippines : An application of participatory survey and GIS.

Uisso, Justina P.L. (1995) Institutional support to rural women in household energy needs : A case study of Iloilo and Guimaras Provinces, The Philippines.

Wangchuk, Dorji (1995) Factors that affect local participation in community forestry : A case study of success/failure of community woodlots in Punakha Dzongkhag, Bhutan.

Yang, Xiaojun (1995) Monitoring morphodynamic aspects of the present Huanghe River Delta, China : An approach of the integration of satellite remote sensing and geoinformatic systems (GIS).

Yemefack, Martin (1995) Fertility of tropical forest soils in relation to physiography, parent material and alternative land-use : A case study of the Ban Sap Poeng/ Ban San Pa Yang Area, Mae Taeng District, Chiang-Mai Province, Thailand.

Yifter Kidane, Fikru (1995) Soil and landscape information system from users requirement perspective : A case study in the Alora Region - South of Spain.

Yili, Thomas (1995) Spatial analysis of an urban fringe municipality: Boulmiougou Municipality, 1978-1994 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : A remote sensing approach to urban sprawl of African suburbs and consequences on land use.

Zambrano Gil, Elsa Angelica (1995) Utilization of public health care facilities in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Zekeyo Ghonnang, Jean Pierre (1995) Organization in the context of wood energy development : A case study in the Province of Iloilo in the Philippines.

Zillger, B. (1995) The derivation of land cover information at European level using an integrated RS - GIS approach : A case study on land cover mapping in Southern France.

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