University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 1998

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Number of items: 139.

Abdelfattah Abdelrazek, Mahmoud Ali (1998) Land evaluation for sustainable land use planning in the NE part of the Fayoum depression, Egypt.

Abebe Haile, Solomon (1998) A framework for the Development of Geographic Information Infrastructure to Support Land Use Planning in Ethiopia.

Abeywickrama, A. (1998) Use of spatial information for land use plan in Sri Lanka : A study of land use planner's satisfaction with the supply of land resource and land utilization type information in upper Maha Weli watershed.

Adu-Nsiah, Mike (1998) Habitat and bio-diversity mapping of the Wetlands of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, using remote sensing and GIS : a study on the distribution of the African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) and Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius).

Adu-Nsiah, Mike (1998) Habitat and bio-diversity mapping of the Wetlands of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, using remote sensing and GIS : A study on the distribution of the African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) and Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius).

Agbayani Camit, Rex (1998) The Tectonic relationship of the Marble-Peridotite Contact Zone of the Alpujarride Complex, Betic Cordilleras, Southern Spain.

Ahmed, Delwar (1998) Modeling of consolidation due to groundwater extraction, based on 3D GIS data from Sliedrecht, the Netherlands.

Ajith Prema, M.M.J.P. (1998) Spectral unmixing and the estimation of ground cover proportions in geology.

Akbari, Abolghasem (1998) Coupled time-area overland flow modeling and HEC-1 channel routing for Koshk-Abad watershed, Iran.

Akuetteh, Benjamin (1998) Multi-Resolution Segmentation and Classification.

Al-Abdalla, Mohamed (1998) Geostatistical Analysis and Quantification Uncertainty for 3D modelling by Simulation.

Al-Ismaily, A. (1998) Coastal aquifer mapping in Oman based on performance evaluation of DC resistivity and TDEM techniques, and the integration of geophysical methods.

Al-mashreki, Mohamed Hezam (1998) Land Evaluation and Planning for Sand Stabilisation Using Wastewater in the Green Belt around Hodeidah City- Yemen.

Awuah, Peter (1998) 3d Orebody modelling for resource evaluation of the Damang Gold Deposit, Ghana.

Azagew, Ayenew Wudu (1998) Consistent updating in spatial databases.

Aziz, Farid (1998) Designing and prototyping multi-purpose cadastre for Bangladesh.

Babiker, Insaf Sanhouri (1998) GIS for aquifer vulnerability assessment applying drastic and sintacs : A case study in the Ostrava-Karvina region, Czech Republic.

Bacic, Ivan Luiz Zilli (1998) Development of land evaluation method for the southern agro-ecological zone of Santa Catarina State - Brazil.

Bamulesewa, Abdallah Sudi (1998) Assessing the impact of rural land use change on the per capita energy biomass growing stock in Rutete Sub-County, Uganda : Use of the Area Production Model, Remote Sensing and GIS.

Bandara, K.M.P.S. (1998) Water needs and water use of agro-ecosystems in the Kirindi Oya watershed, Sri Lanka : A remote sensing approach.

Baumgartner, Willeke (1998) A GIS oriented method to analyse roe deer dispersion : DAS, Dispersion Analysis System.

Bemigisha, Jane Roseline (1998) An assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of a Papyrus Swamp : The application of remote sensing, GIS, an a Decision Support System for the monitoring and management of the wetland vegetation of Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Berhie, Girmay Kifle (1998) GIS based spatial analysis of urban public transport accessibility : The case of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).

Bhandari, Ananda (1998) Fuel wood Dependency of Buffer Zone People : A case study of Baluwa and Nayapati villages in Shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.

Bhandari, Medini Prasad (1998) Assessing the impact of off road driving on the Masai Mara National Reserve and adjoining areas, Kenya.

Bozyazi, Esra Gurhan (1998) Analysis and mapping of air pollution: a GIS approach : A case study of Istanbul, Turkey.

Choi, Won-Jun (1998) Development of a Prototype for Semantic Translation between Cadastral and Land Use Applications in Distributed Heterogeneous GISs.

Choudhury, Nusha Yamina (1998) Impact Study and Economic Assessment of Flood Control Measures and Flood Risk Modelling Using Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques : A case study of Eastern part of DMA and DND Polder, Bangladesh.

Chowdhury, Mostafizur Rahman (1998) Interactive generalization for multi scale representation of urban road networks using attribute tables.

Compaore, Jean Abdias (1998) Land cover and land use change based on remote sensing and GIS techniques : A methodological study: based on case-studies at District level in Narok, Kenya and at national level in Burkina Faso.

Damoah-Afari, Peter (1998) Spatial decision support system for selecting sites for tailings dams in the mining industry of Ghana.

Davari, Farzaneh (1998) Towards planning support for agricultural development at regional level (a Bottom-Up approach) : Case of Kuzistan Province Iran.

Dehghan, Alireza (1998) Aggregation levels in Yield Forecasting System : Experience of Hamadan (I.R. of IRAN) with Irrigated wheat variety Navid.

Di Pollina, José E. (1998) Integration of a Cadastral Land Information System and Municipal Applications : Case Study in the City of Rosario, Argentina.

Egunyu, Felicitas (1998) The role of fire in bush encroachment and woodland decline - A case study in Masai Mara National Reserve and the Masai Group Ranches in Norak District, Kenya.

Evaristo, Musonda (1998) Methods for the creation of a multi-purpose land cover database from remote sensing data.

Fathia, Sbiti (1998) Guidelines for the development, implementation and operations of a quality management system for national mapping agency : Emphasis on topographic database production system.

Feitoza, Hideko Nagatani (1998) The natural units database for Espirito Santo, Brazil : A GIS approach.

Fernandez, Danilo Cardenas (1998) Towards the Development of a National Geospatial Information Service Program for Ecuador.

Gamboa, Enid (1998) Modeling hydrological units to support tropical Savannas ecosystem definition.

Gatheru, Mwangi (1998) Application of GIS and statistical analysis in the study of variation in citrus yields : A case study in Alora region, Spain.

Ghaffari, Ali Reza (1998) Aerospace techniques applied to Gully Erosion studies in Shahre-Kord, Iran.

Gholampoor, Mohammad (1998) The evaluation of artificial recharge by numerical modeling and using RS & GIS : In Sarkhon Plain, Bandar-Abbas, Iran.

Goretti, Kitutu Kimono Mary (1998) The environmental impacts of undreground coal mining and land cover change analysis using multi-temporal remotely sensed data and GIS : A case study of Ostrava-Karvina area in the Czech Republic.

Graham, Angella (1998) Groundwater recharge estimation of the Malewa Catchment, Naivasha -Kenya.

Graham, Angella (1998) Groundwater recharge estimation of the Malewa Catchment, Naivasha-Kenya.

Habibi, Reza (1998) Evaluating Land Evaluation : Case study using GIS and ALES in the Damavand Catchment in Iran.

Hamiduo, Tiendrebeogo (1998) Integrating GIS and DSS for rural land use planning decision making.

Hamududu, Byman H. (1998) Erosion assessment for large basins using remote sensing and GIS : A case study of Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya.

Hansakdi, Ekkanit (1998) Soil pattern analysis and the effect of soil variability on land use in the Upper PaSak area Phetchabun Thailand.

Hipondoka, Martin H.T. (1998) Geomorphic terrain classification as a base for long-term environmental monitoring of the Kalahari Desert, using remote sensing and GIS : A case study in Eiseb Block, Omaheke Region, Namibia.

Huatuco, Luisa Delfa Huaccho (1998) Water availability assessment using multi-objective decision support systems (MODSS) : A study around Lake Naivasha, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

Hussain, Malik Zahid (1998) NOAA - measurements for identifying agro-ecological zones in the Province of Sindh, Pakistan : A remote sensing approach.

Jayalath, Granie R. (1998) GIS based geotechnical information system for the Alora Area, (Malaga, Spain).

Jeong, Man-Ho (1998) The Implementation of a Clearinghouse User Interface on the Internet.

Joo, Koh Dong (1998) Access to government held geoinformation with emphasis on topographic and property information.

Jurio, Elsie Marcela (1998) Geomorphology and processes of land degradation in the Aluminé Area, Argentina : Applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems for desertification analysis.

Kamal, A.S.M. Maksud (1998) Influence of neotectonics of the planform development of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh, in the context of regional and local morphotectonics.

Kambewa, Chamunorwa (1998) Use of gis in exploration for sediment-hosted copper deposits in the makonde basin, Zimbamwe.

Kambole, Chewe (1998) Dynamics effects of pile installation on soils and adjacent structures.

Kamela, Hilary (1998) Provision of Basic Infrastructure in an Unplanned Settlement : Case study of Mtandire/Piyasani Settlement, Lilongwe City Malawi.

Karikari, Isaac Bonsu (1998) Incorporating Knowledge-Based GIS into Sustainable Urban and Local Planning : The Issue of Rating Information Administration & Management in the Treasury Department, Lilongwe City Council in Malawi.

Kasita, M. (1998) Communal grazing land management problems in Namibia and the national land policy white paper : A study of multiple cases in Omaheke region.

Kimbe, Desderius Dismas (1998) Raster mode displacement of buildings in map generalization using filtering techniques.

Kiringoda, Lalith Thilinapriya (1998) Route selection for a road using multiple criteria evaluation technique and GIS : A case study in Dar Es Salaam.

Kiyingi, Kawuubye Gaster (1998) Integration of Digital Elevation Models and GIS : a potential for planning and design of sewer systems in Dar es Salaam.

Koranteng, Agyemang-Prempeh (1998) A META-database system shell for analytical GIS : An application case on AgNPS-GIS linkage for surfance Runoff/Erosion estimation.

Kuterema, Agnes Alaba (1998) Visualization techniques for identification of vegetation dynamics using NDVI time series data.

Kwacha, C.P.H. Jonathan (1998) Vulnerability of soils to change agricultural use around Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Kwacha, C.P.H. Jonathan (1998) Vulnerability of soils to change in agricultural use around lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Lelo, Keti V. (1998) A methodology to identify and assess environmental effects : The case of development project of Rosario Port, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina.

Locke, Gisele Croce (1998) GIS support for SWOT Analysis applied to Land Evaluation : a Prototype for Apure Modules, Venezuela.

Lohanee, Bashu Dev (1998) Modeling and assessment of population supporting capacity : The case study of Zone 4 of the Tekeze River Basin in Ethiopia.

Lopez, Evelio Carballo (1998) Integration of aeromagnetic, thematic mapper and geochemical data for mineral exploration in the Makonde District, Zimbabwe.

Maffra, Cristina de Queiroz Telles (1998) Characterization of a transpressional zone in Sao Sebastiao, southeastern Brazil, using field data and ERS-1 image interpretation.

Magdalene, Nyiramahoro E. (1998) Farm forestry as an instrument for forest conservation and local livelihood : A case study of the East Usambara Forest Area.

Makasa, Bwalya (1998) Stabilization of expansive clays in railroad subgrades in Zambia.

Malyvanh, Malychansouk (1998) Land use change and accessibility : A case study in Nane Watershed Area, Laos.

Mangaoang, Jerrysal C. (1998) GIS for management and development of mineral resources, Isabela Province, Philippines.

Marenga, Festus Rikondja (1998) Landform and pastures on Sandveld : Mapping pasture vegetation with TMU, GIS and RS in the Omaheke Region, Namibia.

Martínez, Javier Alberto (1998) Evaluating housing needs with the use of GIS.

Mhere Bwana, M. (1998) Establishment of a GIS database and data quality assessment from digital line graph data sets in spatial data transfer standard (SDTS) format.

Minango, Jospeh Chifwafwa (1998) Introducing a "progressive" cadastre at the village as a tool for improving land delivery : A case study of the customary areas of Zambia.

Ming Atkins, Maria Elena (1998) Where does the city end? : The city region and its settlements. Case study: Rosario - Argentina.

Mirakhorlo, Khosrow (1998) Management of the rangeland in Damavand, Iran, using RS GIS.

Mobarakian, S. Majeed (1998) Erosion assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system in the Nojian catchment, Lorestan Province, West of Iran.

Montoya, Lorena (1998) Land allocation in urban planning : the location of suitable land for low and middle-income housing and recreational ares in Rosario, Argentina.

Morales Guarin, Javier M. (1998) A Workflow Oriented Design of "on-line" Geoinformation Services.

Morgan, Natalie Erica (1998) Groundwater chemistry and quality assessment of the lake Naivasha Area, Kenya.

Mudzingwa, Blessing (1998) Hardrock hydrogeology of the Nyatsime Catchment: (Zimbabwe) : An evaluation based on integration of Surface geophysical methods, Remote sensing & GIS, Hydrogeological field investigations and Numerical groundwater flow modelling.

Muhammad Zuhair, Mahfud (1998) Monitoring of mangroves deforestation using optical and radar data : A case study from Samarinda-East Kalimantan-Indonesia.

Mulugeta, H.M.W.M. (1998) Structures and mineral potential of Arabian-Nubian Shield of Asmara Area, Eritrea using remote sensing and GIS.

Munasinghe, M.A.K. (1998) Linking geo-information systems with AGNPS for estimation of surface runoff and soil erosion : A case study in Alora, Spain.

Muvangua, Mbapeua (1998) The impact of resettlement of pastoralists on vegetation resources : A GIS and remote sensing case study in the Eiseb Block area, Omaheke Region, Namibia.

Mwewa, Lameck (1998) Object-oriented roof model construction from skeletal point clouds : For building reconstruction.

Nafchi, Heidar Ali Raeisi (1998) A study of sediment yield in Gorgak Watershed, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiary Province, Iran.

Nawaz, Muhammad (1998) Collaborative spatial decision-making in resolving the land use conflicts.

Ngin, Sambat (1998) Application of ALES (Automated Land Evaluation System) in land suitability evaluation for selected rainfed and irrigated crops in Aveiro Region, Portugal.

Nkwilima, Elias Matoja Selle (1998) Application of local knowledge, foresters' opinions and GPS towards sustainable forest management : A case study from Urumwa village in Tabora Rural District, Tanzania.

Nyabenge, Meshack Osindo (1998) Developing a prototype multilevel decision support system for land use planning in the Rangelands : A case study in Kenya.

Nyambe, Paul (1998) Evaluating the potentials to grow maize and sorghum around maasai settlements : A case study comparing three land evaluation approaches for Norak District, Kenya.

Oindo, Boniface Oluoch (1998) Analysis of the transferability of species environment models : A case study of Topi in Masai Mara Ecosystem, Narok District, Kenya.

Owuor, Collins Otieno (1998) Applications of the surface mode of groundwater nuclear magnetic resonance (SGW-NMR) modules in exploration and quantification of Groundwater.

Pino, Diego Antonio Machado (1998) Development of a GIS for environmental sensitivity assessment and oil spill spatial modelling : A case study: oil field in east region of Venezuela.

Podder, Azizul Haque (1998) Estimation of long-term inflow into Lake Naivasha from the Malewa Catchment, Kenya.

Pradhan, Sushil (1998) Development of a Geo-Information System for Crop Area Estimation Using Area Frame Sampling and Remote Sensing Technique : A Prototype Implementation in Razan Township of Hamadan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran.

Prado, Juan Fernando Dominguez (1998) Implementation of a service-oriented strategy in a mapping organization.

Rajaei, Hossein Mohseni (1998) A time-area rainfall-runoff model at catchment scale using a raster GIS.

Roncal, Luis Sandoval (1998) Use of land evaluation for decision support system in Tarata Valley, Cochabamba - Bolivia.

Samir, Noha Donia (1998) Integration of GIS and computer modelling to study the water quality of Lake Naivasha, Central Rift Valley, Kenya.

Samir Donia, Noha (1998) Integration of GIS and Computer Modelling to Study the Water Quality of Lake Naivasha, Central Rift Valley, Kenya.

Sanchez, Elio Elias (1998) Wind2DFor and Win2DInv: Microcomputer programs for 2D forward numerical modelling and inversion of resistivity/induced polarization (IP) responses.

Sani, Rosilah M. (1998) Dynamic modelling in the reengineering of geoinformation production processes.

Sanonty, Somchay (1998) The acquisition of forest information from scanned aerial photography.

Sardo, Javad Shahrokhy (1998) Soil erosion assesment using GIS. & RS. & Qanat discharge analysis : in Harooni and Gorgak Catchments Shahr-E Kord-Iran.

Schmidt, K.S. (1998) Spectrometer data and multidate radar for the detection of change in structure of grasslands.

Sharma Gimire, Umesh Prasad (1998) Relationship between relief-form/landoform-landuse as affected by certain landform development.

Shrestha, Arun K. (1998) Improvement of image classification using ancillary data.

Sicai, Zhu (1998) Orebody modelling, resource estimation and financial evaluation of the Manjiazhai tin-zinc deposit, Yunnan Province, China.

Silva, Anil Upendra de (1998) A preliminary study on the fate of agrochemicals in the Vadose Zone Environment around Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Trottman, Damali Kay (1998) Modelling groundwater storage change in response to fluctuating levels of Lake Naivasha Kenya.

Trung, Nguyen Hieu (1998) Development of a geo-information system for land use planning in Mekong Delta Coastal Areas, Vietnam.

Upendra de Silva, Anil (1998) A preliminary study on the fate of agrochemicals in the Vadose Zone environment around Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Urquizo, Maria Cecilia Macera (1998) Forest canopy density determination using optical satellite images in logged- over tropical rain forest Using Rikimaru approach in Grand Forest Park of Bukit Soeharto, East Kalimantan (Indonesia).

Waweru, Nyokabi Margaret (1998) Mapping rangeland quality using remote sensing, environmental data and expert knowledge.

Weerakoon, Deepani P.R. (1998) Genetic modeling of Eppawala phosphate deposit Sri Lanka.

Wijayawardhana, K.W.A. (1998) Identification of requirements and procedures for building up and maintaining the cadastral boundary database for Sri Lanka.

WoldeGerima Kahsay, Tekle (1998) Impact Assessment of Land Cover Changes on Incidence of Soil Erosion Features. A Case Study of the Massai Mara Area, Narok District, Kenya.

Woldu, Hagos Dory (1998) Assessment of the Effect of Present Land Use on Soil Degradation : A Case Study in Lom Kao Area, Central Thailand.

Xiaoli, Wu (1998) Monitoring Urban Expansion Using Satellite Images.

Xinming, Tang (1998) Modeling of spatiotemporal data and identification of relationships and change processes for a cadastral information system in China.

Xiuzhen, Li (1998) Assessment of landscape change using GIS : Case study in a modulated area, Los Lianos, Venezuela.

Yardimcilar, C. (1998) An examination of the evidence from magnetic anomaly mapping for the fit of Madagascar against East Africa.

Youssef, Mohammed M. (1998) A GIS application to evaluate urban development : A case study of Hai El Salaam Upgrading Project, Ismailia City, Egypt.

Yuqing, Yang (1998) Site index model development and spatial distribution of site indices : A case study of larch (Larix gmelini Rupr.) plantation in Xiaojiuya, Inner Mongolia, China.

Zarei, S.H. (1998) The relationship between a selected number of soil attributes and the performance of atriplex and holoxylon planted as combating means in desertification : A case study in the West of Kavir-E-Abarkooh Yazd Province, Iran.

Zehl Argandona, Tatiana (1998) A Flood Spreading Model Developed for the Taquina Alluvial Fan in Cochabamba, Bolivia using GIS.

Zhang, Jing (1998) Process construction tool for GIS network analysis.

Zougheibe, Roula (1998) Runoff modeling in GIS for extracting surface hydrological features : A case study in Alore, Province of Malaga, Spain.

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