University of Twente Student Theses


Year of Publication: 2000

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Number of items: 71.

Abdel-salam, Mohamed Abdel-tawwab (2000) Model Based Image Analysis : Extraction of Agriculture Fields through Hypotheses Driven Approach.

Abudulai, Abukari (2000) Strategic Dependency Analysis For Land Administration Organisations (Emphasis on cadastral components).

Adanu, Charles Kofi (2000) Multi-temporal analysis of urban growth patterns using gis and remote sensing : A case study of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Agyare, Andrew Kyei (2000) Incorporating Local Community Capacity Into Natural Resources Management Projects in Ghana : Assessing Potentials, Effectiveness and Impacts.

Alberin, Lorna Manacay (2000) Design of Cadastral Land Information System : A Unified Support in Land Transaction.

Allebachew, Menberu (2000) Geospatial Data Infrastructure for Regional Planning in Ethiopia.

Apuuli, Robert Kasaija (2000) A Mobile Agent-Based Update Service.

Arteaga, Pablo M. (2000) Defining Areas for Urban Renewal projects, Historical Centre Trujillo - Peru.

Atyang, Agnes (2000) Estimating crop production using RS data and crop growth simulation : A case study of Kanyati and Huurngwe Communal Lands, Zimbabwe.

Badi, Amani Ali (2000) Neogene Paleography, Basin Evolution and Remote Sensing: Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain.

Balesang, Moagi (2000) The effect of livestock production on grazing resources : A GIS based case study of an area south of Gweta Village.

Bey, George (2000) Urban Safety : An investigation into road accident characteristics in Cebu City (The Philippines).

Bligho, Abdussalam (2000) Assessment of the status of desertification in Bir Kuka (Jeffara area), Libya using a selected number of indicators.

Calzadilla Perez, Argelia (2000) Monitoring A Rapid Delta Formation In A Tropical Coastal Wetland Using Remote Sensing And GIS.

Candia, Pm. Ing. David Moises Fernandez (2000) Practical Soil Resource Inventory to Support Land Classification for Land Use Planning in Bolivia.

Castellanos Abella, Enrique A. (2000) Design of a GIS-based System for Landslide Hazard Management : San Antonio del Sur, Cuba, case study.

Chandra Tiwari, Sushil (2000) Identification of the Potential Sites for Residential Densification using GIS and Aerial Photography : A case study in Cebu City, Philippines.

Chinchilla Murillo, Sergio (2000) Impact assessment and Evaluation of Different Policies on Dairy Farming System in the Poas Region, Costa Rica.

Choopani, Saied (2000) Groundwater Investigation in the Sarchahan Plain, Hormozgan, Iran.

Damizadeh, Mahmood (2000) Assessment of Correlation between Rainfall and Vegetation Responses Determined from NOAA-AVHRR : A case study in the Kol catchment- southern Iran.

Diaz Varon, Leicet (2000) Applying remote sensing and GIS for monitoring of fragmentation in an area of Atlantic Dry Forest of Southeastern Brazil.

Dilo, Areti (2000) Mapping an extended ER model to a spatial relational model.

Dumayac, Marcelina Madayag (2000) An assessment of transformation methods on Landsat Tm data for land cover mapping in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe.

Dupas, Claudio Azevedo (2000) SAR and Landsat TM Image Fusion for Land Cover Classification in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Domain.

Düzgün, Füsun (2000) Integration of radar interferometric products and optical images for detection of soil moisture.

Elkadi, A.S. (2000) Three-dimensional geotechnical characterization and performance analysis of TBM boring process in soft ground : case study: Second Heinoord Tunnel - The Netherlands.

Espinoza, Milton (2000) Consistency-preserving updates on a large cadastral database.

Estiva, Jude Anthony N. (2000) Land Taxation in the Philippines: A Case Study of Cebu City.

Feingersh, Tal (2000) Synergy of multi-temporal SAR and Optical imagery for crop mapping.

Geler Roffe, Tatiana (2000) Prediction of soil erosion hazards caused by land use changes.

George, Kwenda (2000) Mineral potential mapping for gold in the Lake Macdougall Area, Limpopo belt, Zimbabwe.

Gong, Aimin (2000) A Client/Server Clearinghouse Architecture with Spatial Data Downloading Capability.

Gota, Elvis (2000) Tectonic Evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic Transform-Dominated Continental Margin : A Case Study of the Tano Basin, Ghana.

Goudarzi, Mahmoud (2000) Land evaluation for land use planing in the Namrood area in Iran, with special attention to sustainable fodder production.

Gutiérrez H., Julio C. (2000) The Physical and Economic Impact of Soil Erosion on Crop Production : A case study on Olive trees in Antequera Spain.

Gyaltsen, Sangay (2000) Determination of stability of the selected slopes & the degradation of geotechnical parameters of the same within engineering time scale in Southern Bhutan.

Habtemariam, Tesfai Berhe (2000) Subsurface characterization of granitic basement from structural and resistivity data : a case study from Sardon catchment area, Salamanca, Spain.

Hao, Lei (2000) Real Estate Market and Property Registration in Wuhan, China.

Hashmat, Aroosa (2000) Correlation of static cone penetration test results and dynamic probing test results: Research study for the data of South Limburg - The Netherlands.

Hengl, Tomislav (2000) Improving soil survey methodology using advanced mapping techniques and grid-based modelling : case study Baranja, Croatia.

Horvat, Bojana (2000) Surface Runoff Modelling Using GIS and Remote Sensing : Case study in the Krapinica catchment, Croatia.

Jolicoeur, Jean Louis-Charles (2000) Groundwater Contamination potential of agriculture around Lake Naivasha: Comparison of five unsaturated soil zones models.

Kagawa, Ayako (2000) Measuring the measure : The effects of land tenure regularisation policy in Peru.

Khan, Mohammad Ibrahim (2000) The ethnic factor behind deforestation : an analysis of the relationship between the spatial distribution of the local ethnic groups and deforestation, using Remote Sensing & GIS techniques : A case study in Swat district, Pakistan.

Kooveei, Hossain Hossainipoor (2000) Water Quality Analysis of the Sarchahan Plain Aquifer, Hormozgan, Iran.

Kulve, Haico te (2000) Duale technologie. Een onderzoek naar civiel-militaire samenwerking bij de ontwikkeling van een bipolaire loodzwavelzuurbatterij voor civiele en militaire toepassingen.

La Torre Chambi, Walter (2000) Geostatistical analysis of orientation data for mineral resource evaluation.

Lawrence, Nsoyuni A. (2000) Mapping burned scars in Miombo woodlands using multi-temporal change analysis of NOAA AVHRR images.

Maango, Samuel Chembe (2000) Mapping Geoindicators for Desertification Using coregionalization of remotely-sensed and field-measured data.

Maleko, Thomson Isack (2000) Improving land delivery process at the department of lands in Tanzania : Design and implementation pf an Electronic Front Door.

Margate, Dante E. (2000) The use of hyperspectral data in identifying "desert-like" soil features in Tabernas, Southeast Spain.

Meratnia, Nirvana (2000) Implementation of data structures and operations for moving objects modelling.

Merka, Joseph (2000) Remote Sensing and GIS Application to Water Resources Assessment and Management : A Case Study in the Upper Mupfure River Catchment, Zimbabwe.

Mkhonta, Musa Meshack (2000) Use of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) in the assessment of soil erosion in the Gwayimane and Mahhuku catchment areas with special attention on soil erodibility (k-factor).

Mohammadi, Alireza (2000) Determining Rangeland Type And Condition Using RS and GIS : A case study in Namrood catchment of Hablerood, Iran.

Montano Perez, Justo Luis (2000) Spatial integration of mineral exploration data for prediction of VMS-type mineralisation in the cretaceous volcanic arc of Central Cuba.

Moustafa, Mohamed M. (2000) Geographical Information Infrastructure to Support Decision Making in Urban Development in Egypt.

Mufeti, Timoteus N.T. (2000) Modelling agricultural land expansion in forested areas : A case study of communal areas in Eastern Caprivi, Namibia.

Murwira, Amon (2000) Spatio-temporal dynamics in land cover: A case of some communal lands in Mashonaland West, Province, Zimbabwe.

Musnad, Wala H.A. (2000) Geo-Spatial data infrastructure to support sustainable land use : In the context of interdisciplinary projects : Alora Case Study, Spain.

Natta, Armand Kuyema (2000) Tree Species Diversity, Assessment in Riparian Forests Using Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems and Geostatistics : A case study of Toui-Kilibo protected forest in Benin.

Negash, Kiros (2000) Assessment of the potential for vein-type gold mineralisation using conceptual and spatial modelling with gis in Maihanse Area, Northern Ethiopia.

Ngonzi, Kiiza (2000) Spatial modelling of mineral exploration data from the ZarShuran Gold deposit, Iran : Using 2D approaches to guide 3D resource modelling.

Njuguna, E.C. (2000) GIS Application In Designing Potential Ecological Corridors : Alora case study, Spain.

Nunez Cambra, Kenya Elvira (2000) Geology and Structural Characteristic of the San Antonio del Sur Area, Cuba, Using Data Integration Techniques.

Orare, Ataya Charles (2000) Wind Erosion of Volcanic Soils : A Reconnaissance Study in the Southern Catchment of Lake Naivasha Region, Kenya.

Rodriguez Gandarillas, Mirka Beatriz (2000) Design and Implementation of a web-based module : A module for Remote Sensing /ILWIS training at CLAS project.

Schiphorst, R. (2000) Demonstration of the Software-Radio Concept.

The An, Ngo (2000) Assessing Spatial Constraints Leading to Maize Yield Gaps : A case study of Hurungwe, Kanyati and Msampakaruma Communal Lands, Zimbabwe.

Trinh, Mai Van (2000) Chemical runoff potential of Agriculture around Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Worku, Mogesie Ayele (2000) Evaluation and assessment of temporal and spatial variability of actual evapotranspiration using remote sensing and GIS integrated techniques : A Case Study of the Sardon sub catchment, Spain.

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