University of Twente Student Theses


Assessing the impact of future rainfall and urban growth on flood hazard in Kumasi,Ghana: Identifying potential flood mitigation measures.

Ketu, Joel A. (2024) Assessing the impact of future rainfall and urban growth on flood hazard in Kumasi,Ghana: Identifying potential flood mitigation measures.

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Abstract:This study assesses the impact of projected future rainfall patterns and urban growth on flood hazards in Kumasi, Ghana, and proposes effective mitigation measures. By integrating historical flood data, land cover analysis, and advanced flood modeling, the research aims to understand urban flooding dynamics in this rapidly developing city. The study focuses on four main objectives: identifying flood-contributing factors, analyzing land cover changes over the past decade, assessing future flood scenarios, and proposing viable flood mitigation strategies. Analyzing flood incidents from 2013 to 2023 reveals significant fluctuations, highlighting Kumasi's growing vulnerability to floods. Key contributing factors identified include rapid urbanization, inadequate drainage systems, poor waste management, deforestation, improper urban planning, and increased rainfall intensity due to climate change. Land cover analysis using satellite imagery shows a 21.35 square kilometer increase in built-up areas and a 22.05 square kilometer reduction in dense vegetation from 2013 to 2023, with projections indicating further urban expansion and reduced natural land cover by 2033, exacerbating flood risks. The study employs the fastflood tool to model future flood scenarios, incorporating projected rainfall and land cover changes. Results indicate that combined future rainfall and urban growth will significantly increase flood depths and extents. The proposed mitigation measures, assessed for feasibility, include public education, regular desilting of drainages, reforestation, and effective waste management. Future research recommendations highlight stakeholder engagement and the use of higher resolution data for improved flood modeling.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
Subject:38 earth sciences
Programme:Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014)
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