University of Twente Student Theses


Developing a Tool for Training Pelvic Alignment Awareness in Dancers

Schut, E.W. (2024) Developing a Tool for Training Pelvic Alignment Awareness in Dancers.

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Abstract:The pelvis is often considered to be the cornerstone of overall skeletal alignment, and neutral alignment of the pelvis facilitates the proper use of related muscle groups and movement of the joints. For dancers, this influences the ability to technically execute dance movement and achieve the desired visual quality of dance steps. It also plays a role in injury prevention. Many dancers, at both the recreational and professional levels, persistently struggle with maintaining neutral pelvic alignment. While this is a relevant problem, it is not always explicitly addressed in dance education and training. This research project aims to discover how to develop interactive technology into a tool for training awareness of pelvic alignment in dancers. This involved analysis of relevant literature, state of the art and expert opinions, leading to initial concepts for such a tool. A final concept was further developed, by specifying the user experience and requirements, and then realised into a final prototype. The outcome of this is CoreMnemo: a wearable core engagement memory aid for dancers. By measuring engagement of the transversus abdominis (TrA) muscle via electromyography (EMG) measurements, and providing realtime vibrotactile feedback cues to the wearer if the TrA is no longer engaged sufficiently, it serves as a tool to help dancers be more mindful of their core and pelvic alignment. User evaluations indicate that CoreMnemo is able to help dancers in becoming more mindful of their pelvic alignment in the short term, without diminishing the experience of dancing. Further research is needed to determine whether CoreMnemo can help dancers to build automatism of active pelvic alignment in the long term. Several other aspects, such as limitations of EMG technology and the occurrence of false positives and negatives, should also be investigated going forward. Despite these challenges, it can be concluded that CoreMnemo shows potential as an inspiration for change in the field of dance training and wearable technology in dance.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:01 general works, 20 art studies, 50 technical science in general, 54 computer science
Programme:Creative Technology BSc (50447)
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