University of Twente Student Theses


Magnet System Design for the Helium Light Ion Compact Synchrotron

Flier, G.W.D. (2024) Magnet System Design for the Helium Light Ion Compact Synchrotron.

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Abstract:This thesis presents the development and optimization of the magnet system for the Helium Light Ion Compact Synchrotron (HeLICS), which aims to advance helium ion therapy for cancer treatment. The design incorporates six dipoles, fifteen quadrupoles, and three sextupoles. The dipoles, functioning as combined magnets, employ a specialized shimming scheme to ensure the required field quality. The quadrupoles are distinguished by two mechanical and three magnetic designs. The sextupoles have been optimized to produce an additional horizontal and vertical dipole field, removing the need for corrector magnets. Utilizing ANSYS Maxwell for simulations, the magnet system’s configurations were meticulously adjusted to optimize field quality and minimize optical aberrations. The design efforts focused on achieving a balance between system compactness, power efficiency, and field quality. Results indicate that the developed magnet system could successfully control the beam trajectory based on the various magnets’ integrated field strengths. With the initial design phase complete—encompassing lattice configuration, magnet design, and component integration—the next phase will focus on constructing a prototype of the critical dipole magnet. Further, the feasibility of incorporating a superferric dipole to potentially accommodate carbon ion acceleration in HeLICS is also being evaluated.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:52 mechanical engineering
Programme:Mechanical Engineering MSc (60439)
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