University of Twente Student Theses


Grass-roots civil society organizations networks and their strategies to affect climate change policies

Gerritsen, C.M. (2018) Grass-roots civil society organizations networks and their strategies to affect climate change policies.

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Abstract:Responding to a lack of drive and action by world governments in the early 1990s Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) focussing on climate change developed. These CSOs stepped up and sprang into action in an effort to bring about change that governments were not able to produce. Regional, national and international groups, started to work together aided by the rapid development of the internet, mass communication options and the growth of news formats in print, and online media to focus more attention on the environment Climate change especially is a topic that is best tackled on an international plane, because it does not stop at any border, whether it is about air pollution, plastic soup or local mining activities devastating forests that are the lungs of the earth. This work describes the background, resources and strategies that three CSO networks on climate change apply. Both ex ante and ex post involvement in the policy cycle, strategies from insider and outsider advocacy groups do complement each other in the pursuit of lowering emission standards and a safer environment. Due to the development of new governance structures realist CSOs had more opportunities to reach into the policy cycle and make their voice heard. Those who prefer to work independently of current policy have a wide array of instruments to work with from their more fundamentalist stance and mobilise both their members and the public in general. The balance of perceived influence shifted from insiders to outsiders with the growth of the internet and especially social and mass media. The links that have developed between these organizations strengthen both their processes and results in working outside and within the policy process. This results in an added analysis of the current state of CSO strategies, in the changing field of governance, policy development and CSO resources.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:70 social sciences in general
Programme:European Studies MSc (69303)
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