University of Twente Student Theses


Influence of popularity on tie strength in tie-decay networks

Zwienenberg, J.R. (2020) Influence of popularity on tie strength in tie-decay networks.

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Abstract:The concept of tie strength can be used to analyze interactions. The tie strength describes the strength of your friendship with one of your friends. It increases when an interaction takes place, and then decays continuously over time if no new interaction takes place. This concept can be very useful to find the most important connections in a social network. This paper investigates the influence of popularity on the tie strength in such tie-decay networks. To model popularity, we use an interaction probability p_ij between persons i and j at every time step, which depends on the popularities of persons i and j, the number of people in the network and the average popularity among all people in the network. Consequently, the expected value of the long-term tie strength between person i and a randomly chosen other person given i's popularity can be calculated. For this it is assumed that the popularity of all the other people in the network follows a power law distribution. The results of this analysis are used to analyze real life data of interactions: face-to-face contact data during 20-second time intervals in different contexts. By analyzing this data, the distributions of real-world tie strength are determined. Then, by using several network data statistics with, among other things, the skewness, the differences between these distributions can be explained.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:31 mathematics
Programme:Applied Mathematics BSc (56965)
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