University of Twente Student Theses


Locomotion control interface for a remote robot (Avatar)

Wittendorp, T.J.J. (2020) Locomotion control interface for a remote robot (Avatar).

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Abstract:This project aims to find the best locomotion interface for operating a remote robot. An intuitive interface is needed for operating the i-Botics robot. With this robot, i-Botics is competing in the ANA Avatar XPRIZE. The grand challenge of this competition is to make the operator feel like he is in a different location. The challenge of this locomotion interface is that it has to be used without hands. It has to be used without hands because the operator’s hands are occupied by the controls of the robot’s manipulator. Literature research is done on how interfaces could be made intuitive and what interfaces are currently available. Locomotion interface concepts are made using this background information. A selection of four concepts is made, and prototypes of these concepts are built. The prototypes are evaluated in a user test and compared to each other to find which prototype performs best. The user tests showed that interfaces that have a literal relation between input and output performed best. Interfaces controlled with body-leaning are faster to learn than those controlled with feet. However, these two methods perform the same after learning. Although leaning based interfaces are faster to learn, the interface operated by feet has a higher usability score than the leaning based interfaces. This is why an interface operated by feet that has a one-to-one relation between input and output is the best interface for operating a remote robot.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Creative Technology BSc (50447)
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