University of Twente Student Theses


Modeling associative memory in robots for promoting social behavior

Kuiken, J.A. (Jaro) (2020) Modeling associative memory in robots for promoting social behavior.

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Abstract:The goal of the GP is to create an associative memory model to help social robots behave more empathetically. To achieve this, the way associative memory works in humans is explored. Existing associative memory models are explained and discussed. Software frameworks for the few models that have them are experimented with, to see if they could be used to reach the goal. Eventually, all existing associative memory models are declared unsuitable for this thesis for differing reason. A decision is made to create a new conceptual associative memory model from scratch, using various design processes. This model is held to certain requirements acquired through different ideation techniques. After the creation of the model and, a conceptual pseudo code implementation is created. Both the model and its implementation are evaluated through different means and declared suitable for reaching the goal of this thesis. The long-term goal that this thesis begins to aim at is to eventually create a social robot that will be put into situations such as supermarkets, air-ports, museums, public parks, city centers and more. In these places the social robot can help or interact with people in that place in whichever way is appropriate for the location.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science, 77 psychology
Programme:Creative Technology BSc (50447)
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