University of Twente Student Theses


Modelling the impact of positioning and pole height of a row of beach buildings on dune morphology

Zuiderwijk, N.L. (2023) Modelling the impact of positioning and pole height of a row of beach buildings on dune morphology.

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Abstract:Abstract: Beach buildings are often placed in rows in front of coastal sand dunes for recreation. Potentially, these buildings could substantially affect the morphology of the dunes, depending also on building characteristics. This study focuses on the effect of the pole height of elevated buildings and distance between the row of buildings and the dune. This study was performed using a model that couples a 3D airflow model in OpenFOAM with a 2D-horizontal aeolian sediment transport model, AeoLiS. For a row of equally-spaced buildings in front of a vegetated dune, the two parameters were systematically varied, starting from zero (for buildings placed directly at the dune toe or on the bed) to greater distances and increased pole heights. In general, results showed minimal effects of the buildings on the vegetated dune slope and top, but strong erosion developed around the buildings and enhanced deposition over the dune toe. Longer poles generally created stronger erosion-deposition patterns around the buildings. The influence decreased for placement further from the dune. Sand supply into the dune was maximized for long poles at substantial distance from the dune. Strong longshore variation in bed level elevation around the dune toe resulted for placement close to the dune. In addition, results indicated that the critical gap width ratio as found in previous research, lowered for buildings on longer poles.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Witteveen+Bos, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:56 civil engineering
Programme:Civil Engineering and Management MSc (60026)
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