University of Twente Student Theses


The effects of different designs of longitudinal training dams on countering bed degradation for different discharge scenarios in the River Waal

Pfeijffer, ir. C. (2023) The effects of different designs of longitudinal training dams on countering bed degradation for different discharge scenarios in the River Waal.

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Abstract:The ongoing bed degradation in the river Waal, resulting from human interventions in the Dutch Rhine system, affects several functions in the river system. The bed degradation leads to problems regarding navigation depth, flood safety, the stability of infrastructure, nature and water supply. Longitudinal training dams (LTDs) are a proposed measure for the IRM programme to achieve the desired stabilisation of the bed. This research makes use of a 2D-modelling approach using the DVR model, in which simulations of 20 years of morphological development were performed. The difference in bed level is assessed over 20 years of morphological development for different designs of LTDs to identify possible improvements regarding the design of LTDs. Next to this, different climate change projections are translated into discharge scenarios to assess the effectiveness of LTDs to cope with climate change. Out of the assessed designs of LTDs, it is concluded that widening the riparian channel performs best based on the assessed criteria. LTDs in combination with climate change will counter bed degradation in the Boven-Waal over 20 years. However, bed degradation in the Midden-Waal accelerates as a result of climate change in both cases,with and without new LTDs.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Royal HaskoningDHV, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Rijkswaterstaat, Utrecht, Netherlands
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:56 civil engineering
Programme:Civil Engineering and Management MSc (60026)
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